
Sunday, March 14, 2010

Update From New Zealand

Bryce Taylor is a close friend who has moved to New Zealand to run a youth camp down there. He's a great man of God. Many of you will remember him as the Youth Pastor from Community Christian Fellowship, Dick Wright's church in New Baltimore. He sent me an update on how things are going as he builds the foundation for his ministry, He also thoughtfully sent me a picture of a beach where he spends his quiet time...just to make me jealous ;0) :

G’day mate! Well it has been another hectic month with youth camps, school groups and a mandarin camp which was packed. I had a translator for every time I spoke which was interesting and was useful for some laughs. I got to share in depth my whole testimony with a group of high school boys It was awesome most of them were Catholic but the teachers said that there were no taboo areas, that I could share whatever it was that I felt needed to be shared. Christina and i had a great day yesterday for the second time we got to a church service at a church that we both are very challenged and fed by so it was a great day. I am heading out today to meet with local church leaders and school principles in hope that we can get a good network going for the youth camps. You can pray for open doors that I could share even with these leaders and school principles. I know that they all need encouraging and so pray for wisdom as I speak to them. God has given me a burden and vision for this area and so continue to pray for me that I would be patient and wait on Him to move ahead of me. I have my eye on the cloud and where his presence goes that’s where I want to be, I have been reading and studying about the children of Israel and getting deep into the character of Moses so that’s where that comes from. Immigration is still unknown but I will be on the phone with them today to find out where we stand. Financially we are seeing headway, we have found Gluten free products to be cheaper but a little harder to find. And that has really been hurting the budget. We have been working on a letter for our supporters and we plan to send that out to CCF for printing and then I’m hoping that you and some others will be able to help me distribute them to cut down those mailing costs. Right now it is 2 dollars to mail a letter so it would just be crazy to try to do that from here. It is great that CCF has offered to do that. Thanks so much for the support you have given us through prayer, finances and time. I cherish our friendship and consider myself totally blessed to be called your friend. Thanks, oh and I added the picture to show you my new quiet time pozy

Bryce , Christina, Miles, Levi and +1

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