
Sunday, September 20, 2009


"Dalam dingin subuh.... hatiku terusik...." My favourite Hari Raya song, it is. Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri Malaysia! The smell of Nasi Goreng waking me up at 10 a.m. this morning. OK. Mr. Hubby was showing his love and kindness thru his cooking. I love being pampered like a teddy bear. Gabby as usual, addicted to Facebook, MIL was sitting in the living room watching TV. I felt so lazy. Checking my handphone. No SMS. No calls. Good girl. Had a plate of Nasi Goreng after brushing my teeth. Breakfast on a couch. I love having breakfast in front of TV which is so unhealthy to do. OK. That's it. No lunch for today as we were going to visit Pak Engku's house later at 3 p.m. Yien texted me few hours later and we met up at Starbucks BDC.

Talking about Pak Engku, when I 'bersalam' with him at the door, I sensed a presence of sadness. Oh, my Hari Raya this year is definitely emotional. First, my uncle was no longer with us then my beloved Pak Engku will be transferring back to West Malaysia. This is his last Hari Raya in Kuching after being here for nearly 5 years. OK. Holding back my tears, I said to myself. Big girl doesn't cry as Fergie says so.

Don't ever 'bersalam' like this fellow. Can you see our PM's smile? I can't stand to laugh everytime I see this picture! That's' sniffing PM's hands, not bersalam!

My Gabby was enjoying her meals as usual, tanpa segan silu dan malu-malu! First serving was Laksa Johor which she was totally confused with Spaghetti Bolognaise. "This is not Bolognaise Mama... This is curry..." Hahhahaa!!!! I didn't' want to tell her that it was Laksa Johor so I just simply told her, it's a fusion cooking, Malay style of spaghetti. Second round, she had rice with chicken curry, lemang and Daging Masak Hitam. It's not rugi to take this kid to visit people's house for she's not wasting people effort and appreciating their cooking.

Time to leave. We then went to another friend's house, Rose. The best thing about Rose and her family, they always have this very big and humangous coffee table and have like thousand of cookies on the table! If you manage to taste all of them, I bet you will create your name in the Guiness Record as the most cookies tester, haha. This family surely love cookies and tidbits. Their cakes also fantastic! I tried to recall, hmm... let me see... I think they have 10, ... yes 10 types of cakes!!!! Phewww!!

Tomorrow will be another visit to my aunty Rosita but before that, have to help my parents do ferry some boxes to the new house. Oh yes, my parents are moving to a new house. Congrats Mak, Apai.. eh, is that correct to congrats them? OK lah kan....

Alright readers! It's 3:50 in the morning, the dogs are barking and I need to complete another saga in the Westward, hahahaha.. addicted to PC game.

Till then, adios!

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