
Wednesday, September 30, 2009


This week has been treating me unfair. First, the lagging Streamyx and Celcom Broadband connection that always driving me crazy. I notice the decline in connection quality since the first day of Hari Raya! Pity poor my farms in Farm Town and Farm Ville. My elephant, horses, ducks, cows, sheep, dog, llama, hen and chicks - they are all hungry! :p

Talking about workplace. An office is ain't an office without dirty politics and cheap gossips. The latest gossip is still hot and crispy, spreading in one night. I better not reveal it here, perhaps I will in future but to my friends/colleagues, Shella and Caynie De!! The story gave us all a heart attack kannnn????? Wah wah, nampaknya semua gadis2 sekarang mengikuti jejak langkah Dato' Siti Nurhaliza yang cemerlang, gemilang dan terbilang. But, do not collapse in shock as our 'Dato' punya father and brother pun membuka cawangan di merata tempat. His brother lagilah.... artis/pelakon terkenal Malaysia & famous for his character jadi tokoh korporat and Our 'Dato' pun apa kurangnya. For his age, he still looks sexy, charming and handsome gila!! - *imagine, kwang3x.

Now we move to weather news. Lil Gabby slept at our home office last night. I took my last bath at 12:30 a.m., after midnight OK, otherwise I can't sleep. My body itches to death with rashes and sweats. I noticed her sleeping with only her panties on every night. Poor Mama's girl. I can't sleep early at night ever since this crazy global warming getting too far for me. I could only sleep after 3 a.m. and wake ueveryday. p Nevertheless, my sleeping pattern might be disturbed but I still feel normal, which is OK for me, so far. *cross fingers. What is happening to our Mother Earth now? Flood in the Phillipine, Tsunami in Samoa Island, Earthquake in Sumatera, Indonesia, and what next? These disasters then remind me of the new movie - 2012, in your nearby cinema this coming November! *promotion.

Guys, I'm now having a mug of hot Nescafe whilst listening to the pouring rain. So sentimental. I mean, the weather... Eh, where is my Ayam Penyet by the way?

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