
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Corn Cat

Yesterday morning, very early, I saw a new cat. He was on the side of the road and I spotted him as I was taking my morning walk. As soon as I saw him he (or she) jumped into the safety of the tall grass.

It was a gray tabby cat. It looked something like this. (Of course all the images on this post are stock photos or images -- I was way too far away to get a picture of this mystery cat!)

I figured, well, probably a tom cat. I see them passing through every so often. But for some reason this cat seemed different. Maybe a bit more shy. A little thinner. I had a feeling this cat needs a home. Or at least a good meal.

Since I live quite a ways from town and my place is surrounded by open fields, I really don't get a lot of stray animals. They usually stay closer to wooded areas and streams.

Then this afternoon I was out digging potatoes and I saw this little cat again. This time he was in the corn field and peeking his head out at me.

Right then and there he (or she) had a name: Cornelius. The Corn Cat. Corney. I was thinking how "forlorn" this little cat looked in the corn and, well...

So early this evening I made sure a fresh bowl of water was in the barn and I set out a bowl of cat food on the side of the field where I saw him. If Cornelius is around, I have a feeling he will find it. Cats are like that.

I am not sure if Cornelius will come in or not. Sometimes cats just keep going. Sort of like people. But perhaps he will decide to adopt me and Bailey - even if for just a while.

We'll see. Thanks for stopping by.

PS And thanks to Johanna and all of you for wishing me a happy birthday! I don't usually say much about it but it was sure nice to hear from you.

If you get a chance, wish Carla from Tennessee Happy Birthday, too! And ask her to come back to our blogging world!! Take care.

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