
Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Greetings from planet Earth. Miss Coki is still residing here, alive and kicking. Prior to the bad internet connection, both at office and at home, this is just what I could post today. Don't worry sunshine! I am still reading your blogs, especially the blogs that I follow and thanks for some of readers here who already became my blog's follower. Don't worry mates, it's a holy cult to follow mine.

Not really in a good mood these few days. Feeling like launching a real 'Mafia Wars' outside Facebook or Fakebook whatever you wanna call it. With whom? I can't tell but why? Yes, my sincerity and trust has been breached by a person whom I called 'friend' all this while. Will follow up again tomorrow with boring news from office and home. When I'm too good with people, they 'kill' me. When I'm bad with people they would kill me too.

This was what have predicted by Mr. Hubby last time, when the time comes, you will realize that the truth friends are those who stay beside you thru ups and downs. The fake ones will stay around because of what you possess. i.e. MONEY. True friends will keep your secrets and dreams and never tell others as she/he knows that a secret is a secret. When he/she blew it all up, you have the answer. He/She is jealous with you and waiting for the right time to condemn you. I've gone thru it all and going thru it again and again if I don't aware and unprepared.

Now tell me people,

My life is so lame and dull, don't you think so?

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