
Friday, September 18, 2009


Kelly has been serving and ministering to my Mom in Ohio this week. It's been a long and exhausting time for Kelly as Mom has struggled with dementia. She wrote this today:

A week of ups - downs - peace - stress - resolve - compassion - and then this morning, weeping for no reason. I've reached my limit for the week.


I'll have to do a word study on the phrase "but God...", but what I know is that God is not like me. (Phew!) He does not grow weary. As I see His character more and more, I cannot help but be amazed at who He is and how He functions.

I asked for doors to be opened and closed - too many decisions - too much fluctuation between Irene having a sound mind and then, not. I have needed God and His wisdom so badly every day. (I feel like I'm writing in backwards motion - sorry if it doesn't make sense...dementia must be contagious!)

I realized when God firmly closed the door to my staying over the weekend, that God had indeed closed the door.

How I needed my gentleman God to do this for me.

I've often hurried in the past (like right now) and missed the opportunity for my own husband to open my doors for me...I hate that I missed these moments...

How wonderful to be able to thank my gracious Father for treating me like a lady! I never saw His "opening and closing doors" in the light of this world's regard for gentlemanly behavior and how when it happens, as a woman, you feel very special.

The God of the universe had made me feel special - Watch, He will do the same for you! Ask, seek, knock...and WATCH! Oh, then, please, please, thank Him!

Gotta go, dryer should be done...hope this makes sense and blesses someone.


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