
Sunday, September 13, 2009


Hmm... I shouldn't tell this but I find it outrageously exciting to share with you guys. The place, time and function, I should keep it as a secret. I know some of my relatives are reading this blog.

I was just arrived, about 3 minutes like that and said hi to everybody. When I entered the house, I heard my aunty said something like this, "Mang nya nama aja kerja spital, nadai meh nemu minta ubat kurus, bla bla bla.." - Mang (my nickname) is working at hospital, doesn't she care to ask for slimming drugs, bla bla bla... It would have sounded nicer and I would have taken it positively but I tell you her intonation was annoying!!

The best part, they were busy with the gossip without realizing that I was actually sitting in the living room, just few metres from them! Then this one unknown lady, quickly pointed her finger to me, a signal for the rest of aunty-aunty gossipers to shut up! Then suddenly, the topic changed and their intonations also change for harsh to sweet! Oh come on! The script then went like, "Nya meh, taja makai mimit, enti isi sigi udah ka nyadi, nang sigi ka nyadi nehhhh..." - KALAU KITA MAKAN SIKIT SEKALIPUN, MAKAN SIKIT PUN BADAN TETAP NAIK and smiled at me. Felt like punching her face! To make it less than brutal that's what she might think but I was in a total hurt and wrecked! Seriously. Damn, I think about God, as what Winston my friend always say, God loves Fat People. I remember Ms. Tikot's entry in her blog about being fat. Inhaled. I smiled back at them.

Initially, I felt like going home straight away but when I thought about my parents and my I'm matured already to face all of these stupid jokes and cynical stuff. How I wish my parents were there.

Betul kata orang, life is always unfair!

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