
Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Kawan-kawan semua, what a beautiful day, today kan?? Makcik is not around as she is taking leave today. Hmmm.. I hope the gangsters are ready and equipped with devilish plan. Tsk..tsk..tsk.. Pak Engku was discharged this morning. Belum sempat visit him but not to worry I call him 2-3 times everyday asking about his condition.

Now the rumours are spreading around who's gonna be my new boss. I can accept anyone but please no makcik for me. So many things driving my head crazy this week. The internet connection in the office is one of them. Damn bloody slow. I can't rely on stupid Berokben by Celcom. It has limit actually so please don't purchase them. This so call 'unlimited' Berokben will slow down once you reach 5GB of usage. 5GB of usage is just a like a piece of meat stuck between my teeth.

The sagu sekati finally revealed and given to us. RM500. Hummphh.. As Pak Engku joked with me the morning before he was warded, the bonus money was used to buy submarines. Malulah, Indonesia got their submarine before us, so shameful to be left behind. Buying weapon nowadays just like some bitches competing for the latest fashion trends and who are the trendsetter of the year? In the end it's just fashion. It will revive, again, in 10 years time. Just like weapons, giving the same impact. Fashion War. Bimbos and bitches pride.

I'm still fed-up with home. But.. I can't say anything cos it's already September. Hubby has promised me something that I also so unsure of. Who cares anyway. I just regard home as my transit for sleeping. Office is much better. Who cares. There's no privacy at home, at all for me. Rumahku Hotelku, OK? Oh yes, latest news about home. My big Pantene shampoo was used to bath my MIL's cat. Celaka. What's next? Colgate to brush the dog's teeth? Better shut up, otherwise.....

Ah, malas mok kaka lebih2 tok. Bagus layan gambar. I better shut up. I know Mr. Hubby is a silent reader of this blog. Jangan curi2 baca dan attack orang dari belakang sudah, sundel!

I miss Kolok Mee, when can I have another bowl? *Grin*

:D Cucur Bilis or Pusuk in our local dialect. Cooked by yours truly. Hehe.

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