
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Update From Ron Onks

Ron is one of the missionaries we support at WBF. He and his wife, Angie, serve in Austrailia as teachers, missionaries and evangelists. Here's an update n his father's cancer treatment:

Wednesday morning September 30, 2009 Australian time

Dear Pastor Kuvakas & Saints of Warrenton Bible Fellowship

I would like to update you on the condition of my father Bill Onks. First we would like to say thank you so much for the prayers you have made to our Heavenly Father on behalf of my earthly father, Bill Onks. We have received dozens of emails from many saints who have expressed their concern and told us they are praying for my father. We are so grateful to God for the love HIS children have shown to us and for their concern for my father. We realize that our Lord is always in control and HE knows what is best for us: thus we will praise the Lord our God no matter what circumstances our Lord chooses to bring into our lives, whether they be difficulties or delights. God is always so good and worthy of our praise simply because of whom HE is. We are very much aware that in spite of life’s difficulties, they pale in comparison to the pleasures God’s children will one day have in HIS Presence and it is that hope and promise that keeps us trusting the Lord here in Australia. It has been difficult not being able to see my dad during this time of his serious illness: however, I have been comforted by our Lord’s grace and by knowing that my sister and mother have been faithfully attending to and supporting my father with their presence while he is in the hospital.

Angie and I give thanks to our Lord God for His marvellous grace. A great team of doctors and nurses have been caring for my father and God again has chosen to heal my father; he is so much better now than he was this past Friday and Saturday. He is breathing fine, his kidney has started working beautifully again and his blood pressure is good. His catheter will soon be removed and his stomach pump has been removed. Today (Friday your time) he is drinking fluids again and he finally ate solid food, a hamburger and he loved it; he then also had a meal from the hospital kitchen and he enjoyed that as well. He now has been moved out of ICU and is in a “stepped down care” room. The doctors are very pleased with his recovery and my father may be released from the hospital within the next couple of days. We are elated and certainly my dad and family is very happy about this. Please keep on praying for my father, Bill Onks, as he still will be recovering from a very large incision that was made in his stomach to remove the cancer. I’ll update you again in a few days as we know more. Thank you so much. God bless you all from Australia.

Your Missionary Friends,

Ron & Angie Onks

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