
Thursday, September 10, 2009

Update Fromm Ron and Angie Onks in Australia

Dear Pastor Kuvakas & Saints of Warrenton Bible Fellowship,

How beautiful and true is the Word of God which says in Galatians 6:9, “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” Over the past month, Ron has been using the ‘10 Commandments’ to help the students realize not only about God’s love for them, but also HIS standard of perfection and thus how short they have fallen from it. We are pleased to share with you that over the past couple of weeks, dozens of Ron’s students have invited Jesus Christ into their lives to forgive them and change them. Praise the Lord! The Law has done its work with the Holy Spirit convicting the students of their sin, realizing they will be judged and thus turning them to Jesus Christ. These students have realized how sinful they are before our Holy God and now they are seeking to be cleansed by the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are confident that dozens more students over the remaining three months of this school year also will come to full trust and faith in Jesus Christ with a repentant heart. When Ron asked his students, how are we made acceptable to God, many students told Ron that a person must repent and trust in Jesus Christ as their Saviour. Your support for this ministry is so important and such a blessing to these young people because they are finally understanding the gospel message and seeking God’s forgiveness in Jesus Christ. We thank you so much for your financial help, your prayers and partnership in this wonderful opportunity to reach school students with the gospel message of Jesus Christ here in Australia.

Ron has been teaching from the Old Testament the story of how Israel began with Abraham and then how the Hebrews continued growing as his descendants while slaves in Egypt and then finally culminates with their journey into the Land of Canaan. Ron has consistently helped the students to realize the great love God has for people. However, he also has told the students the terrible consequences and judgments which come upon people who don’t trust and obey God. Ron has ‘pointed out’ how Pharaoh’s rejection of God brought terrible judgment upon Egypt and how Israel’s refusal to trust God and enter the land of Canaan on their first attempt incurred the punishment of a 38 year delay of Israel’s entry into the land of Canaan and death in the desert for those men who were 21 years or older when they first refused to enter the land and take it. Ron has used these examples to encourage the students not to reject God and thus suffer HIS wrath, but rather it is always best to believe God with full trust, obey him and receive HIS blessing.

It truly has been an amazing two months in the ministry here in many ways. Ron has had students asking for Bibles and they are reading them. We have had students to stop by the parsonage to say hello. While out walking for exercise, Ron has had kids asking him for his ‘10 Commandments’ gospel tracts and some of the kids have even asked for extra tracts to give to their friends. In one school, Ron was unexpectedly asked to substitute teach 3 classes for another religious education teacher: the planned lesson for that day was the ‘10 Commandments’ so it gave Ron a great opportunity to show those students why they need Jesus as their Saviour. As Ron was talking about the fourth commandment of God and why we should go to church, one student suddenly said, this is my church, my parents won’t let me go to church because they don’t believe in God.” Many students then made the same comment. Today, another student openly said in class, “what can I do if I trust in God, but my dad doesn’t believe in God.” Ron told the young girl to pray for her dad’s salvation. Aussie parents often don’t believe in God and thus won’t let their children go to church.

The primary school in Oxenford always is a difficult challenge due to the students in one of Ron’s two classes showing so little respect. It is hard enough teaching there at times, but Ron also has had to compete against a crazy Kookaburra bird that at times tries to fly into the classrooms; it is very distracting. One teacher told the Oxenford School’s religious education coordinator that her students love Ron’s religious education class. Ron also was told that a Christian mother called the same religious education coordinator and said that her son, who is going to the Pacific Pines Primary School, is enjoying Ron’s classes and for the first time in 5 years her son is showing an interest in godly things; oh how that thrills us.

The other schools where Ron teaches are overall going well. Last week at the Pacific Pines State School, Ron was struggling (with a very hoarse voice) to share about true faith in Jesus Christ: the male secular teacher in that one class asked Ron if he could interrupt him for a moment. Ron allowed it and then he stood gob-smacked (awestruck) as the secular male teacher began sharing his own testimony with the class about how simple God’s plan of salvation is and how he had come to true faith in Jesus Christ a few years ago under Ron’s teaching: that was like icing on the cake for us. At the Highland Reserve School, Ron continues to boldly share that Jesus Christ is the only way to Heaven; he continues doing this in the class with the teacher named Liz who opposes Christianity so much; please continue praying for her salvation and for Ron’s protection there. Park Lake State School needs prayer as Ron has great difficulty with one of three classes there; this is due to constant ‘noise interruptions’ from an open class next door. At Gaven State School where Ron has three classes, he has noticed that many substitute teachers in his classes have been listening intently to his message about the gospel: like most teachers here, they probably have never heard the actual gospel truth.

The past few weeks have been difficult for Ron as he has struggled with a viral infection that travelled from his throat and into his lungs; he got bronchitis and could not teach for one week. The doctor told him no teaching for at least a week and he put him on two different medicines to try and clear Ron’s lungs. Ron should have taken more time off to heal, but he did not want to miss the classes. His throat was so bad, he could barely speak. The cough and phlegm is a bit less now. Please continue to pray that his lungs will completely ‘clear up’ and his sore throat will heal well. Our little church is fine, though we have had some illness in it. Angie continues sharing the gospel message with friends who think they are Christians, but from their conduct we can see they probably are not saved. Angie still suffers from some pain in her back and shoulders. Our colleague, Pastor Wakeford, is doing much better now. A concern we have is for Ron’s father, Bill Onks: his father is having surgery on September 22nd to remove a large malignant tumor in his bladder area; this is his second bout with cancer in less than two years. Please pray for Ron’s father (a godly Christian man), that the surgeons would do a good job and he would recover quickly without complications.

Please continue to pray that the LORD will supply more finances for this fruitful ministry. The Australian economy is actually growing; it has not gone into recession. Most everything here is becoming more expensive while the stronger Australian economy reduces our converted financial support income. We thank you for being a part of this team via your prayers and finances. May God richly bless you for your faithful support to this Australian ministry! Please DO NOT forget to inform us of any changes to your email address; we need to know it for future contact if you are receiving this letter via email.

Please also remember to continue praying for the following: AND CONSTANTLY PRAISE GOD!

For other long term financial support to help replace some matured ‘home going’ supporters.

For wisdom and protection as Ron teaches in Australian schools.

For the Lord to mature in Christ some of Ron’s former students who are now Christians.

For open doors in students’ hearts and for teachers to be open and supportive of the gospel teaching.

For our church growth and the health of the mature aged members.

Field address: 22 Pandora Crescent

Pacific Pines, QLD. 4211 Australia,

0116175561 8474

Sending Church:

Grace Bible:

9115 Lorton Station Boulevard

Lorton, VA. 22079

(703) 339-7292

Independent Gospel Missions:

990 Calkins Road

Rochester, NY. 14623

(585) 334 9048


Your Missionaries to Australia,


Next Letter; mid November 2009
Ron & Angie Onks

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