
Monday, August 11, 2008


Recently we have witnessed many regulations and at the same time, renovation happening in our working places. I am glad that new boss had brought drastic improvement and progress in our working styles and place. Once, my office was dull and working there was like in hibernation, full of sleepy feeling mode. Big dull grey window’s blinds, inadequate source of light and furniture arrangement’s disorder. For nearly 3 years, we worked in that condition and invisible boss who always thought that everything was for granted. Negatively, we have produced many mistakes – missing correspondence, more time consumption. Thus, it lowered down our productivity.

I don’t like to make comparison but with new boss, he changed our working style in a night! Just recently joined us in early June, I could say that we have gone through a re-branding period. The dull wall is now painted in soft brightly yellow hue, the fax machine has replaced the big bulky cabinet, which over blocking my assistant all this time. The big bulky dull greyish blind had been pulled out. Meanwhile, the boss office is now cleaner and tidier. We are still waiting for some money to do the minor renovation. Next, new maroon sofa, paper shredder, organizational chart and staff movement chart will be taking place. On personal record, my boss now had gone out to do the supervisory visits to nearly 40% of coverage of 22 hospitals throughout the state. I’m proud of his achievement.

On the other hand, my assistant is more alert and new boss had given her a very impressive mark: 97 over 100 for her performance. She deserved that because previous boss went totally out of control when he forgot to give her mark, it has affected her assessment. She was devastated. I was affected too. My old boss should have known that he is my only assessor but instead of giving me good marks, he referred me to 2nd boss who was actually on a long 7-month leave and wasn’t there physically while I was doing the best for my department. How should she know about me right?

So, my marks was slightly decreased, about 1% maybe if compared to previous year. So far, I have never lost our letters so far and if we do, they are still traceable. Oh yes, talking about manpower. I have been given a new clerk to help my other 2 bosses, which left me a big opportunity to concentrate on my own boss and I am on my way now striving and working the all best of me to achieve my dream for some sweet fat assessment points.

Hubby is experiencing the same thing, too. The new Operational Manager is like an angel sent from above. He just joined them for nearly 3 weeks now but the changes that he implemented are absolutely awesome. He reshuffled the Sales & Marketing Department from every aspect. First, all Sales Executives are given chance to use computer to do their works. Then, all are linked via LAN and have their own folder inside one computer, which will be checked periodically. All unnecessary activities like games and pornography are prohibited. Punctuality is stressed on and there is a Sales meeting being held every morning, therefore everyone must be coming to the office on time. On Saturday, they cleaned and tidied up the office. All older files were thrown and hubby is satisfied with the cleaner environment. It is more condusive now when everyone is cooperating and feeling happier than ever. This is what a true leader is all about.

What do you think about your working place?

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