
Thursday, August 7, 2008


I love this particular traditional cake or 'kuih' called Bahulu. I remember how messy it was to do plus the heat and smoke of coconut husk when helping my mom back in the 80's. Using 3 basic ingredients - eggs, sugar & flour (and little dots of Pandan paste for the rich Pandan's aroma), this cake has now transformed and evolved in its own way.  The mould that I was using is the new version of Bahulu's mould, it costs me RM10, thanks to the generous towkay who gave me a 90 sen discount!!  =_=**

Sometimes, I am not a person who bears so much patience inside of my heart.  When I started to feel that the batter filling process was like gonna take forever, I took out my petitin and poured the batter, one by one into the holes.  I was amazed with the results!!  So fluffy.

Some people love to dunk Bahulu in a cup of black coffee, the way you enjoy them in a very 'kampung' style but we love to dunk our Bahulu in a mug of hot Milo!!  Sluurrrppsss....

Yum yum.

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