
Thursday, August 21, 2008


Ohh.. I notice that my sunburn had gone already. Yippie!  Thanks to my St. Ives scrub and my sulphur soap.  Everything is back to normal now.  First, I regained the Modem's consciousness via phone call with my favourite buddy cum technician, Jar Jar the Bing Clarenze Lymn (I promote you here, buddy! ^(-_-)^).  What a glamorous name, isn't it?  Don't worry Jar Jar, I know how to do it now.

It's my baby PC while being repaired... pity her.*sigh

Eh, we went to the Padungan's Food Fair.  Finally.  The only way to go there easily is during the weekdays.  But again, the place was crowded today, as this week is school holiday.  Totally forgot about that. OK.  I was hungry and so did Mr. Hubby Wobby.  So we had two hungry pigs horses searching for foodie foodie eh.  *Sniff sniff..

The 2nd entrance is welcoming us! NOT THE GUY.

The hungry crowd at their favourite stalls.

Taiwanese Sausage or Sio Bee? The battle begins....

Sweet, spicy and crunchy.  Those sausages are definitely the winners!  I still remember we used to buy these sausages at a kiosk in front of BDC Everrise.  Recall anyone?

My tastebud will always be Malay/Mamak.  Behold the Mutton Briyani & Papaddom, my lovely crunchy Papaddom.  My first encounter with Briyani with Sambal Ikan Bilis.  Huhh???!!   Mbeeekkk.. Mbekkkkk.... :p

The best part of it all was to eat while watching the sunset.  Romantic.  Perggghhhhh.....  Met my colleague, Mr. Eng there too.  He was asking about Boss while I was trying to get rid of his image and workloads. Haha!!  What else?  Oh ya, the stalls are the same every year but I can see the improvement at the baloon's kiosk.  They really upgraded themselves from selling the clown-twist-baloon (I dunno actually how do you call that stuff) to the latest pop sensations like Doraemon and Hello Kitty.  Nasib baik Gabriella didn't follow us, otherwise she will buy 2-3 of them.  Lol.  By the way, the Mango drinks were rock!!!  We left the place an hour later and see you guys in August 2009.  Hehe....
Oh.. another camwhoring activity revealed this....

No more Latin America look sunburn.  Yes! Yes!


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