
Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Don't ask me about my weekend.  First, the blackout caused us to cancel our initial plan to go the Kuching's Fest at Padungan.  Gabby insisted to go to KFC when the electricity came but cancelled the plan for another time when we had second blackout.  That's it.  We're doomed in the middle of massive traffic jam.  Yes, it was.  The hungry pangs then savoured with Nasi Ayam, Kolok Mee and Roti Canai Kosong.

The night was so hot and we did our own stuff.  Hubby sent SMS to his friends while I played with my cats.  My PILs went outside to chit chat with our neigbours.

Gabby enchanted some magic words to my DIY oil lamp!  

Last Saturday, my mood was in a total ruin.  I did nothing except sleeping the whole day through.

I love this picture.  Dunno why... -_-""


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