
Wednesday, August 27, 2008


After hubby's shocking Young Hypertension finding, on Sunday's evening, whilst was preparing dinner at 6:30 p.m. my sister, Cynthia called me, and telling me that my uncle Henry had passed away.  I went into deep shocked and cried hysterically over the phone, in panic.  He's my daddy's youngest brother and was only 46.  I don't wanna talk about his illness as doctors themselves were unable to diagnose his ailment.  True.  They said there was nothing wrong with him.  What did they mean by nothing wrong if the lower part of his body was pale in white and cold, and his upper body was hot and sweating at the same time.  Was it mysterious??  I hope my assumption is true, those who did this will receive their 'bonus' soon, don't wait for Judgement Day.
It took me for days to write about this as everyone now is in despair.  His burial was delayed because my aunt has to report his death at the police station.  He passed away on the way to clinic so it is the right procedure before undergoing the post-mortem.  
I went into another breakdown in the room after calling up my bosses and my colleague telling them that I was going back to Saratok that night.  My heart was crushed and I felt like suffocated.   Dad told mum not to cook curry with 'fucuk' (dried bean curd) as it was his favourite.  He left his pants when he visited us last year so my brother, Ted without any reason is wearing the pant.  Mom told him to keep the pant too.

What makes me devastated the  most?
I met him last month, on July 25th at Saratok's market.  It was pay day.  We invited him for lunch but he refused, he acted so unusual.  He looked like he lost his weight, too.  I felt like asking him why but our other topics were more interesting because he was in full spirit telling us about his new home, awaiting for bank's approval.  I forgot to give him some money as token, as usual whenever we visit Saratok.  I always pity him, and he's the one who really resembles my father.  Except, my daddy is chubbier.  I realized that I forgot to hand him some cash once we arrived at Sarikei.  Gosh!

And yet, yesterday was 25th.... we met again in different situation.  The final meeting wasn't at the coffee shop or his workplace.  There were no more gossips and laughters.  It was at the mortuary.  There were tears everywhere.  Dad couldn't stand to look at him any longer so lil' bro held him out of the place whilst me and hubby still looking at him, reminiscing the moments that we spent together.  How he was always proud with me, telling everyone that I'm his niece, working at this place as this and this and so on, how he jumped in joy whenever he saw hubby in Saratok, and he loved checking our car and made fun of us.  When we go back to our longhouse, we always go out to have dinner at the nearby Chinese temples and if we can't make it to go back for Gawai Dayak, he will ring up my dad and pretending that everyone is having lavish dish.  If we are on the way back to visit our longhouse, he's the one who always sticked to the HP to call us up, checking whether we're safe during our journey.

Now, who's going to do all that??? Who??  Tell me who????!!!!




*breakdowned and paused.


My late uncle was safely buried few minutes ago.  I know he already found the peacefulness and joyfully reunited with grandma May. -_-*


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