
Saturday, August 2, 2008

WG08 - Day 4 Photos

What a way to start out day! We were greeted at the front door by angels handing us Krispy Kreme Donuts!

Then it was off to our seminars. I attended one titled 'Gospel Centered Creative Media' which challenged my notion on the use of video.

Then we were surprised by a huge set up of fresh coffee and more donuts!

After our coffee break, we had our final worship service and teaching

An impromptu choir assembled just for the conference. Notice the traditional dress for a choir. This church doesn't do anything conventionally yet is rock solid in their teaching and worship!

The choir was accompanied by their Worship Band led by Jon Payne.

Another awesome worship service!

Their worship songs are Scripturally sound with most of the lyrics lifted right out of the Bible.

There was time for a testimony of healing and God's grace.

More music from the choir

Then a visit from Rocky (aka Mark Altrogge) who worked out on stage....

Then plugged Mark Altrogge's new book....

"Heroic Worship", coming to a bookstore near you no time soon.

Then a final message from Bob Kauflin. This man can preach up a storm!

What a way to end the conference!

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