
Wednesday, August 20, 2008


I miss to update my blog because I had no internet connection at home and I was busy in the office to settle few stuff before my boss  going for another round of official trip with the Big Boss.  Have few things to gossip with you guys since, I dunno, my disappearance?  How should I start?  What I wanna say actually. Yup.  Personal attacks.  Recently, most of my blogger friends restricted their readers for the reasons of personal attacks.  I also had twice attacks so far and personally, those words were quite irritating but I always take it positively.
They are easy to get rid off.  Just delete their stupid, non-ethic, rotten-hearted comments.  That's it.  They are not like the voices that roaming inside your head.  The best thing is, they might jump like a monkey in front of PC, attacking people while on the other side, their IP is being tracked!!  I salute one of my fellow bloggers, Cuthess.  She took the most dramatic action to solve this problem - printed and traced the IP and lodged a police report.  Genius.  So why should you bother to make your blog a secrecy?  It's for sharing, come on!

.... people attack you when they happen to know you.  When they happen to know you then you are popular, when you are popular, you must face the consequences and I welcome you to the Blogging World, joining the other forces of Blog Power in the World Wide Web.

Ok, for some reading, knowledge input, please read this article: Respond vs. React – Dealing With Bullies On The Internet.


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