
Sunday, July 5, 2009


I had a normal weekend this week. Hmmm... a very normal. Nayy, it's not a lame one. Well, let us start from my Saturday. Miss Coki supposed to have an appointment with the contractor but they said that they have to wait for the wallpaper to come so no installation being done on Saturday. Bullsh*t. OK. I woke up early, very early on Saturday. At 6:45 a.m. Not 9:00 a.m. as usual. I have put my makeup on which was such a waste. So we went to the stationery supplies instead to get quotation for hubby. It's his stuff, I just waited inside our car and dreamed on.....

Later, it was lunch time so we parked our car at King Centre to eat at Indian Recipe, oh, I miss this cafe. *lmao. We tried the Mee Goreng Mamak, I asked for extra spicy while hubby wanted less spicy. Sounds very the pondan to me. Haha. A Malaysian who can't take chilli at all.

This Mee Goreng Mamak was so-so. Aroma Cafe's Mee Goreng Mamak is still undisputable. So what say you Kak Nor? Have you tried Aroma Cafe's Mee Goreng Mamak yet?

This Pasembor that we ordered was for sharing. Damn good! No chicken inside but they just used veggies like cucumbers, sengkuang? - Jicama / Bangkwang/ Sengkuang / Chinese Turnip / Yam bean, whatever you wanna call it. Oh, damn damn good. Thanks to the tasty peanut gravy. Oh yes, we did 'tapau' for the beloved ones at home - Aki, Inek and Gabby Boo.

Had nothing to do at home, I decided to surf the YouTube website. OK. Found two movies. Malay movies. So the first one I watched, SYURGA CINTA. I love two things about this particular movie. First, Syuhadah (Heliza) is damn gorgeous and Irham (Awal Ashaari)'s house is superb!!!!! I just hate to see the scene when Irham goes clubbing with his two buddies and Fizz Firdaus looks so damn fake! Clubbing macam Jakun ..... I've never seen people acting like that when they go clubbing.

Oh yes, Irham's brother, Iqmal is soooooo cute.

Later, in the evening I watched HISTERIA. Ayoyo ammmaaaaa!! This movie was directed by James Lee and I tell you it really gave me goosebumps and it was scary. Normally, Malay movie's ghosts are like Kuntilanak, Langsuir, Toyol but this time they presented JEMBALANG TANAH! Adoiyaaiiii.... I love the effect because the ghost was so merciless, as mean as a beast.

I just hate the ending. Typical Malay movie, leaving a big question mark at the end of the movie.

And finally, this is for my beloved readers. The Lucky Laki band, I present you Al, El and Dul. The maestro, Ahmad Dhani of Dewa 19's trio sons.

p/s: Please pardon me for the bad food pics. I left my handphone at home so I had to use Mr. Kingkong's HP to capture those pic.

This is the latest news we received on Sunday's morning. My uncle (aunty's husband, from my Mother's side) had passed away because he was hit by a car, which police believed - a Perodua Kancil based on the broken bumper that left at the scene. So we hope the noted driver will turn up at nearby police station, don't worry we won't take stupid action against you but the Law will. Thank you.

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