
Friday, July 24, 2009


Told you right, bout my boring weekend, being isolated at home? Luckily Zul called me up and we went out, after much bargaining, finally on Tuesday night. The meeting spot was Starbucks, The Spring.

I was late prior to the earlier heavy downpour, an hour like that. Poor Zul, when I arrived he was starving and we decided to have dinner at Kluang Station, next door.

Zul was really taking his sweet time to decide.......

We continued the gossiping and Facebook-ing till 10:45 p.m. Miss Coki needed a beauty sleep and a fresher body the next day for working. Talking about working, look at what Mr. Kingkong had for breakfast!

See, how big is the so-called plate???? Whoaaa!!!!

Heehehe... look at my monstrous looking fish. This is my Ikan Masak Balado (bercili). I cooked them last Sunday and best served with hot and steamy white rice. Very very spicy. Wanna try some?

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