
Friday, July 3, 2009


We have seen many bloggers doing review about Planet Sambal. Yes, for those who haven't stepped into Planet Sambal, you might see the colorful contemporary interior in the air-conditioned premise thru some Sarawakian's blogs.

We went to try something else, rather than our favourite killer Kolok Mee so I decided to try Planet Sambal since this place is open for 24 hours. Yippie!! The best thing is, we used the back passage and sat at the smoking area - which nobody is willing to blog about.

Cute white stools. Oh yes, that's the stairs leading to the washroom.

Amidst the morning serenity, there were two hungry ogres searching for different food for breakfast as they always have Kolok Mee. After checking the menu then we ordered Roti Kahwin 3 and Nasi Lemak Biasa. Since it's so-called a sambal place, be sure to order cold and sweet beverage like Milo Peng or Kopi Peng (Iced Milo/Coffee with milk).

Nasi Lemak, o00h Nasi Lemak, why your sambal was too salty that we have to scoop a teaspoon sugar on the table to mix with our sambal. Only after that the 'kick' came! The sambal became tastier, aiyoyo! *chuckle.

Mr. Kingkong Hubby can't tolerate with the spiciness, so he left his plate halfway the battle. I, on the other hand was HUNGRY like CRAZY so I ate his rice too! KAH KAH KAH! Pity me. I was then too stuffed and bloated till I can imagine myself the Anaconda. Heaven, I tell you.. the Sambal was sweet and hot, SO POWERFUL! ... then washed down by a mug of Iced Coffee, pergghhh....!!

Nothing to boast about the Nasi Lemak Biasa that comes without sotong (squid), fried chicken or rendang daging. Definitely will come again for lunch because I saw some other interesting menus like Ayam Penyet - SO IN LUV WITH AYAM PENYET.


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