
Saturday, July 11, 2009


Halo! Kita bertemu kembali di blog yang mcm Chipsmore ini. Tapi takpelah sekurang2nya we have invisible readers to enlighten this blog, katanya.... OK, please click on the pictures to view them in larger size.

OK. Just to answer questions for my skincare hauls by Miss Gediks. I berpeluang untuk membeli dan mencuba produk M.A.C selepas menghadiri 'hands-on training' di The Spring Mall, Kuching baru-baru ini. Seriously, seriau jugak sebenarnya to try new stuff but since dah giler sangat ngan mekap so it's no harm to try dowh! Voucher sebenarnya untuk RM250, berapa ketul sangatlah produk M.A.C yang dapat dibeli kan? Yang buat I geram sangat nak memiliki barangan M.A.C sebab lepas kita guna produk derang, the effect was superb and my skin pulak, flawless!

So, by the help of the lovely ladies from M.A.C, I managed to grab some items and guess what? My total was: RM930.00. 70 more Ringgit to RM1 ribu ringgit. MATI AKU!!! Minus the voucher, I've got myself discounted down to RM680.00. Phewww!! With my shaking hands, pardon me I've never bought makeup or any skincare that accumulated to USD 250.00 in my entire lifetime. Yeah. They also presented me with a free makeover session and I can call them up anytime for an appointment. No point at all after spending so much!

Anyway, I'm gonna start with the skincare.

Coming home after a long working hours with heavy make up on, this is the best product to emulsify and cleansing your face thoroughly. It reminds me of ZA punya produk yang I pernah gunakan dulu. Well, minyak ini sangatlah berkesan sampai mascara I yang tebal 2-3 coating tu boleh tanggal dengan mudahnya. An industry-strength oil-based makeup remover that's gentle on the skin. Botanically formulated with oils of olive fruit, evening primrose and jojoba seed and absolutely 100 percent mineral-oil free. Massages onto the skin to loosen all makeup, including waterproof mascara. Emulsifies into a lotion-type liquid with water: rinses off easily, no tissues required - and no residue! Protects with vitamin E. Skin softening and conditioning. Good for all skin types. I'm not actually a cleansing milk lover but this product is very good for people like us. Double thumbs up for M.A.C, for creating a derma-friendly products for people who have skins problems like me. Cuci muka bersih2 dengan scrub muka atau pencuci muka anda selepas menggunakan minyak ini.

OK. Siapa kata kulit muka berminyak macam I tak memerlukan pelembap? I sangka macam tu jugak dulu but hence, I was wrong. This is an Antidote for dryness! Butter-rich, lightweight, no-grease formula keeps skin super-hydrated, plump and soft. Mega-moisturizing, preps skin for makeup, then helps it stay. Fast-absorbing. Antioxidants protect and nourish. Time-release delivery system means moisture and emollients are released onto the skin continually/all day. Enhanced with mineral-enriched spring water, it’s an instant spritz of moisture. Selepas menggunakan toner, sapukan pelembap ini serata di seluruh wajah sebelum menggunakan apa-apa produk seterusnya. A must have product in your list.

Selalunya selepas pelembap korang akan gunakan foundation betul tak? Heppp..! Nanti dulu. You have to prep and prime your face so that your makeup will last and stay longer. Sapukan merata macam kita gunakan pelembap tu. One more thing I like about this base, it has thick texture and pearlised like. Check your fingers after every application. I guess this special base is actually giving your skin a special effect tapi muka korang takla berkilat2 as if korang pakai glitter sapu kat muka gitu. Giler hapa pakai disco dust tabur kat muka, hahaa... An ultra-fluid lotion formulated with special-effect silicones. Calms and soothes the skin, blots away excess oil, and evens out skin redness. Improves the laydown and application of foundation or powder.

Lepas habis melakukan proses bermekap itu *skema punya ayat. LOL* OK, this is the best part. Close your eyes and spray this magic water within 3 feet radius to all over your face. Aaaaahh... so refreshing. Remember, we want mist not to spray too much. Jangan sampai air tu meleleh2 as if korang tengah cuci muka. The reason is, this will help your makeup to stay and set. An aqua-spritz of vitamin and minerals, infused with a calm-the-skin blend of green tea, chamomile, cucumber, topped off with the fresh, natural, energizing scent of Sugi. Adds radiance, finishes makeup. Spray it on. Skin drinks it up! Oh yes, every night after applying toner and pimple lotion I always spray it because I love the tickling freshness on my face. Oh yes, you can keep it in your purse or handbag to refreshen up your face after lunch time. You'll definitely love this product.

OK readers. Time to leave you guys now. There are some more M.A.C products to review on like lipstick, concealer, blusher etc. Yes, I purchased a lot that day. Before signing off, would like to show off my radiant face taken last week, a week after using the products mentioned above.

p/s: I was using product no. 1, 2 and 4. Then followed by the compact powder and lipgloss. See how radiantly my skin is?

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