
Thursday, July 30, 2009


Hola muchachas! Bueno? Missing me anot?

This week, pheeww!! I'm very attached to my work, yet my social life. Sounds sober eh? Ok. Ok. I have to admit it, since this bloody H1N1 encountered globally, it has limitised our weekly outings. I admit too it is not easy to maintain calm at home during the weekends especially when living by our area, surrounded by malls and good eateries. Damn, must it be always connected with food? *LOL*

My fav, ice blended MOcha with fattening cream, so creamily crazy!

Last Tuesday, the band met up at the Bing, BDC outlet. Oh sorry, Mae and Syrile didn't come as the meeting supposed to be between Miss Loli and Miss Coki but at the end, Mr. Kingkong, Mork and Max appeared. No worries, the more the merrier right? Right...... A few hours before that, I invited my red-carpet rival, John to join us. John arrived 20 minutes after our arrivals. The best part when he greeted me was that I didn't see him coming from behind. So he said to me, "Ko sik nangga ku melimpas red carpet tek?" OMG. I replied by saying I was so sorry for not noticing the camera flashes behind me - we're joking.

Please meet the funny John and wacky Naomi or Yomi - OMG. She looks like my bro's ex-bro, Angela. Please don't marah me arr Rod...haahaha.. oh ya, Jacy was taking this pic. Thanks to Jacy and Naomi, it was great to meet up you guys eventho it was a short Hi and then Goodbye. Maybe next time we can go Bing-ing together!! *wink wink*

Back to the office, the girls band is getting bigger and the bondage is getting tightened day by day. NYiehhehehe.. As a P.A. one might see me not going out for drinks frequently but it doesn't mean that I'm isolated from the gang, common thing for us to be on standby and always be there for Mr. Boss.

I normally have drinks on my table, but when the bosses are away, I'll be joining my sisters (Sisters of Desktop) Hahahaha... and we normally will go hoo hoo and haa haa in the pantry.

Sometimes, we discuss about our works delegation then followed by cups of coffee /Milo/ tea. No doubt that sometimes, we can be playful in the office but when it comes to work, we definitely will go serious. Of course, with the supervision and guidance from the senior officers like here, please meet one of them, tadaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!

Motherly love. She's a Sister, a higher ranking nurse - see the reason why we're all so 'healthy' in the office here. *LOL* Ignore my piggy pouty forced face here. I tried my best striking with smiling pose but end up like a FUGU - Ikan buntal - a BLOW FISH. *GOB*

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