
Monday, July 20, 2009


Monday came again with my moody-lack-of-sleep look. Who cares? My target was to get my things done before signing off. Worst scenario happened today, our server was down because the plugged was burnt. Ohhh my God.... What can be more worse than being disconnected and gone offline?

Started my day with foodie motivation, yes I had my breakfast at Planet Sambal with Nasi Lemak and Sambal Kerang. Don't envy me. LOL. Hubby came to save the day with his broadband. *I Love You* wink². Before lunch, I was like a junkie, felt damn sleepy but after the arrival of Celcom broadband, there you go, my eyes opened widely!

Oh yes, please forgive the biyatch that is really making me sick in the office who's ruining my friends' moods too. I'm glad that my desk was clean and sparkling when I punched out at 5:45 p.m. What's for dinner? Hubby requested for Ayam Penyet but must be cooked by these two hands. OK. Responsibility as a wife. Look at what we had for dinner tonight. Again. Don't envy me my dear friends.

Tadaaaa!!!! Took me for 1 and 1/2 hour to prepare this dish. Superwoman me!

I just boiled the ladies fingers @ Okra and cabbage in the microwave;

.... while cooking the rice, chicken and the sambal! - Oh don't laugh at my sambal, I thought I was failed making it but the taste was similar to the one at Family Cafe's Satok !! Amazing!.. but less chillies of course, only Miss Coki can take chillies like candies.

Care to share a plate with me?

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