
Friday, January 30, 2009


How is my latest Miss Bimbo looks like? I love to dress up like that (if I fit in those outfits. *LOL*). Guess what? I'm at Level 14 right now and struggling hard for reaching Level 15. Yeah, it's cool sometimes to reveal our inner childishness. I don't call it a crap, it's a stress relief stuff to do. *wink. My girl, Gabriella also loves this game. She's still in the early stage so it's hard for her to chase her Mom as I use my credit card to buy my Bimbo outfits. Such a waste don't you think so? Naay....., those dollars will be converted to Bimbo Dollars so for instance; USD10 will be like 20,000 Bimbo Dollars! You can buy a whole wardrobe of nice outfits from Nine's. It's Bimbo's boutique and don't bother to search on the Internet. *Giggle.

Well, this weekend I just spend my time mostly doing stuff like updating blog and such. Will be going for dinner later on at my friend's house, it's actually a housewarming. So hopefully bountiful of goodies and calories will stuff in my belly and tomorrow will regret everything. I sound stupid. Have to watch my eating habits as I have tendency to binge! Oh, how I love food so much!

Oh yes, by the way. Still remember my tutorial for Neopolitan Ice Cream Eyeshadow few weeks ago? I have actually uploaded them to Youtube but my music was muted because I have gone against the terms and conditions. Sorry YouTube! So I get rid of the song, DAMAGE by Danity Kane and replaced it with my own voice. For those in overseas, I hope you will understand my English. I'm not a good English speaker but I do speak daily conversational English so hope you guys like what I'm doing. I laughed at myself that I couldn't believe that I managed to do this video. Ugghhh, I tried so hard that I skipped my lunch and did this!

Ok, so please leave your comments and what do you think about my video? Sharing is caring! Have a very wonderful weekend readers!

Thursday, January 29, 2009


Attended the CNY's eve dinner at Uncle Bernard's house. A must tradition we do every year and this year, the attendees are more than last year's!! Gabby received angpow from her Chinese grand-uncle, too. There is this one particular boy named Sammy, he's Uncle Bernard's nephew actually. I notice that from last year, he seemed to like Gabby and most of the time clinging to her and they spent their times watching the colorful firecrackers in the sky. When we mocked them, they blushed! How cute.... My cousin Letty mocked them by the names of Gabby & Sammy, so rhyming! My girl first crush!

1st DAY OF NEW YEAR - pee pee at airport
Wanted to visit Dr. Oui's house but her house was fully packed so we detoured to Uncle Bernard's house. Perhaps could visit Dr. Oui later, I told myself. From there we moved from house to house till night! OMG!! Haven't visited Dr. Oui and my Uncle Bob yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(( Anyway, the last place we dropped by at was airport because Gabby and I was too stuffed and we needed to pee. (Soalnya udah kebelet banget, WC bandara jadi korbannya..... *LOL* ntar ada yang pipis di celana, amit² ah!) Mission uncomplished (we missed two houses!) at 11:00 p.m.

2nd DAY OF NEW YEAR - Happy Birthday Apai !
27th January, my father celebrated his 58th birthday on this date. HAPPY BIRTHDAY APAI!! I was damn tired and exhausted from the first day celebrating but this is for my dad, I ignored my exhaustion. Ted could only took these 2 pictures (he was malu malu..cehh!) which I find so adorable.

My funny daddy. Showing off his excitement in front of his cake. Baka anembiaklah nuan (so childish), ahhahahaha!!! Check out those cheekbones, like mine and Gabby's aren't they? *wink

I screamed at the back, "Girl, you should use your fingers to feed Aki. Not like that!!" - Gabby is feeding her grandpa in this picture while grandpa is acting goofy with her. Dad is good in clowning himself and I inherit it from him. DUH :p

Apai, this is something from me to you; hope you like it.

I find myself wondering...
Did I give you your due..
For all that you've done for me
Did I ever thank you?

For all of my childhood memories
For helping me deal with life's stresses
For helping me accept my defeats
And celebrate my successes?

Or for teaching me the value of hard work,
Good judgement, courage, and being true
The laughter, smiles, and quiet times we've shared
Did I ever thank you?

If I have forgotten, I'm thanking you now
You taught me right from wrong....
I hope you know how much you're loved and appreciated
I hope you, instinctively, knew it all along

I must attend the office the next day, the third day. What to do then, jobs is priority and boss is going on his long leave till February 8. I went to sleep after 2:00 a.m. with a wide smile. My mission to involve 100% in his birthday preparation was finally accomplished.

OK, don't forget to read my other snippettories, till then, bye!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Oh, Hi everyone! How I miss you guys so much much much!

Will be updating my CNY holidays stories and before that, I have done some touch ups to my other blogs. Actually you can click them at my links (Other Snippetory) i.e. MAKAN-MAKAN BLOG and MY PASSIONS. Cool though!!

Anyway, need to clear my desk first and don't worry ya! Will come back with more entries. Till then, take care and muaahhssss from me.

Yours truly.


My girl, chubby Gabby always asks me to straighten her hair. It doesn't mean that she hates her wavy hair (which is inherited from me, excuse me) but she says that she wants to disguise like Hannah Montana. Urrgghhh.. she's only 8 plus but her demands is a world! She's way too much sometimes but she's the only one I have.

"Mama, can you please iron my hair... pleasee?"

15 minutes after....

Not too straight but manageable and ruly!

"Thanks Mama! Let us hit the town with this hair!"

Yeah right... (",)

p/s: I'm using my Panasonic Ionity EH1671 hair setter. Easy to use. Just blow dry your hair and set it on!!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

John Piper - Be Courageous, Mr. President


Hello again!

This time I'm coming back with another tut. Pale Pink Lips Tutorial. How about that?

Mind that fugly look, please. Thank you. *LOL*

1. I have prep my face with eyeshadow, blusher, eyeshadow, eyeliner, and eyebrow, in creating the 60's look. Don't forget to brush away the dead skin on the lips by using toothbrush.

2. Get ready for the stuff! LOREAL lipstick (No. 453 Rose Creme), SILKYGIRL Perfect Cover Concealer (02 Medium) and not forgetting, AVON Lip Radiance gloss.

3. Apply the concealer first on your lips, spread neatly.

4. Take that lipstick and smear on !!

5. Last but not least............. for that glamourous final touch, apply the gloss and see your lips do it thing!

The results. What say you?

Monday, January 26, 2009

Eighteen Catalogs and Counting by Carol King

It is the first real snow storm of the winter; seven inches and still snowing; wind chill 3 below. You might ask “ What to do I do on a day like this?” I think it is a grand day to look at seed and plant catalogs and dream about spring. I have received eighteen so far. That’s right eighteen: surely January is National Send Out Seed Catalogs month.

With the snow blowing all around, it is a wonderful time to look at pictures of children sitting on giant pumpkins, dahlias as big as a basketballs, roses with names like ”Summer of Love” and “Sweetness”, and all manner of vegetables and flowers promising a wonderful garden. However, one must certainly be careful when reading the text of these catalogs. Gardening in Colorado is not for the faint of heart and most of these catalogs are from companies in exotic places like Wisconsin, South Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Virginia; places that have actual rainfall and garden soil full of humus and natural compost. My experience tells me that certain words and phrases are to be watched out for. By paying attention to the descriptions, we can learn much about what truly is being said and whether a certain plant might have a chance here.

For instance, the phrase “plants are slow to emerge in spring” probably means you’ll forget you planted something in that spot and till it up. “Well draining soil is essential”; might not be a good choice for my clay garden. “Sends forth a heightened perfume; pungently scented”; better like the fragrance as this one will stink. “Patience is needed to germinate”, right; see the first phrase. Be very cautious when you see the word vigorous with any plant or seed as in “vigorous, self sows” or “spreads vigorously”, this will be all over the neighborhood within a couple of years. “Does best in acid soil”; means you’ll be making a weekly trip to Starbucks for coffee grounds if you are going to grow this one. “Best in moist conditions and humus rich soil”; yeah, right. “Can’t ship to: various states”; this one is on some state’s noxious weed list. “Prone to powdery mildew; water early in the day”; these will look horrible in August.

Read between the lines, dear gardener. Read between the lines!


I love Reese Witherspoon. I love AVON. They make a nice combo, don't you girls think so?

Well as a spokeperson to AVON, she is promoting this lipstick and I have picked this 'Intimate Nude' because it's not radically red, which I am not fond with. But if you see the pictures, it turns to be so reddish!

Very easy to apply. As it is created for super busy career woman, it comes with one hand application. Just push the so called clip upward and the lipstick will pop out! How easy when you are driving or answering phone call while the other hand applying the smooth satiny lipstick.

See? One hand on camera one hand is applying the product. Super multi-task....

It shines lusciously.

Cute pout. *LOL*

Price: *****
Results: ****

The price is affordable (below RM35) hmmm.. a good price for a medium income worker like me and the reason why I'm giving the results 4 stars only, I want a 'nude', a lighter colour but I don't know maybe because of my lips or it's not 'nude' enough.

Anyway, it doesn't dry up my lips as other AVON lipsticks did in the past and it's suitable for office wear.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Todd Stull's Installation Service

What a set of services today! We installed a new member of our Staff and received a number of people into membership.

Starting out with an excellent time of worship with our Praise and Worship band (some folks were spinning around) and moving through a short message on Spiritual Warfare, we got to the serious stuff when Todd took his place in the pulpit. He began to relate his vision for the Youth ministry at WBF by sharing his personal testimony. After that he revealed heart's desire to place a firm foundation under our kids while integrating them as valuable, contributing members of WBF. Todd was able to clearly demonstrate his passion for the spiritual health and welfare of our children.

After being charged by Pastor Bob, the entire Staff and Elder board then prayed over Todd and Kelly, affirming their ministry and asking God's blessing, provision and protection upon them and their family. Todd was presented with a towel as a reminder that all of us who are called into ministry are called to serve.

Following Todd's installation, we then received 14 new members into fellowship. Again, charges were given and prayers uttered over the new members and their participation at WBF.

I love these days. To me, it's always an emotional moment when we see someone new standing in the pulpit and moving into a leadership position. It is the tangible evidence of God moving among us, growing us and blessing us. We give Him all the thanks, praise and honor for what He is doing at WBF and around our town.

Here are some pictures of the service today:

Many thanks to Scott Ferrell for his great photos!

Saturday, January 24, 2009


I am now officially one of AVON representatives joining millions of women globally! Yes, I'm quite a late bloomer but it's better than never, what say you?

I will make some reviews and tutorial too in this blog for AVON and hope you guys and girls out there will love me more! LOL. Not me, but the products that I purchase so we can share if you have some tips, should you don't care.

Don't you girls out there love Patrick Dempsey? The charming guy with a pair of eccentric eyes from Grey's Anatomy, well his wife Jillian Dempsey is a Makeup Artiste and her collections are available at AVON. Even Mr. Dempsey himself has his own signature perfume called 'UNSCRIPTED'. Awesome!

Mr. & Mrs. Dempsey

One of Jillian Dempsey's collections. So gorgeous!Magnetic-close compact with built-in mirror. 4" L x 3 1/4" W. Each gift-ready palette includes:
2 lip colors (.10 oz. total net wt.)
2 eyeshadows (.10 oz. total net wt.)
1 blush (.10 oz. net wt.)
dual-sided applicator

Besides the Dempseys, another two celebrities who are also OSCAR winners also selected as AVON spokepersons. They are:

JENNIFER HUDSON, one of the 'Dreamgirls'

and also,

Reese Witherspoon!

I bought Reese's lipstick this morning, called PRO-TO-GO lipstick in Intimate Nude color. Pro-To-Go is designed for super busy career woman because the lipstick is unique with one hand application, i.e. you can still apply your lipstick with one hand on the car's steering. Will do the review after this! So sit still and wait for me to come back!

Surprisingly, this is a good news to mineral makeup lovers, AVON has range of mineral makeups to opt for. Unfortunately, those aren't ready for Malaysian's market so be patience. I love mineral makeups so much, they are so light and derma-friendly! (Good for those who have blemishes problems like me).
Smooth Mineral Blush

Exceptionally fine, pure mineral powder pigments blend to a naturally luminous finish. Gentle as a breeze, feels like nothing at all. Contains 100% pure mineral pigments. Free of talc and fragrance... for all skin types.

Can't wait to have one of those, so please comment if you feel you want to.

Friday, January 23, 2009


Chinese New Year or Spring Festival is one of the most important traditional Chinese holidays. It is sometimes called the Lunar New Year, especially by people outside China. The festival traditionally begins on the first day of the first lunar month (Chinese: 正月; pinyin: zhēng yuè) in the Chinese calendar and ends on the 15th; this day is called Lantern Festival. Chinese New Year's Eve is known as Chúxī. It literally means "Year-pass Eve".

I'd like to wish my Chinese readers, Gong Hei Fat choi!! San Nin Fat Dai Choi! Heheheh... Wishing you a prosperous and joyful year ahead! This coming New Year is OX YEAR so everyone must work hard, as hard as an ox for better performance and achievement. It is a tradition that most of Chinese will do the spring clean before entering the new year so I did that yesterday, the same spring cleaning my office drawers.

Let us take a look at my cleaner and neater drawers.

Drawer No. 1 - all my CDs, Diskettes and Manual for my Telephone and office refrigerator.

Drawer No.2 - Some big bulky office stationeries like the heavy Cellotape dispenser, pencil sharpener, Paper hole punch, markers, batteries and I found a couple of plasters. *LOL

Drawer No. 3 - Personal items. My CJ7 notebook, my office I.D., Johnson's baby lotion, Guardian Handwash and Kissegirl Strawberry Lotion from Etsy.

The Findings.

1. I don't realize that after all that McDonalds deliveries I actually have so many Chilli sauces and Ketchups as many as these!!

2. The cleaner actually has emptied my dustbin, so it was zero empty. When I finished cleaning, I can't believe that all the unwanted things almost occupied the whole bin. *WHOAAAA!!

But at least, I'm satisfied.. still have lot more to go, especially the blue and white Double A boxes behind me in this picture. *LOL. So next week, I'm gonna move to my another cabinets that have 3 drawers too!

I actually have saved some space and will review that next week after the CNY breaks. Phewww...! Hmmm.. Still talking about CNY and stuff, I was born in 1978 and it made me a Horse, a Wooden Horse so I found this horoscope for me and would like to share it with other Horses... Yee Hawww!


Horses will have many fences to jump in the Year of the Ox, but the year should bring much more happiness than 2008. (More happiness?? Really? Woww..) There is success to be had, both in your home life and in business, (Oh yesss!) but you will have to be careful not to gallop off down the wrong track, as the potential for a tumble is also lurking. (*Gulp!) You should look to old friends and family for advice, (Yes, family and old friends, I heart them) and be wary of counsel from those who may not have your best interests at heart.(Yes, I am now trying to get rid of such viruses.. *LOL)

... Again, would like to wish my friends happy public holiday!!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

"I'm Holding A Miracle"

As we prepare to observe "Sanctity of Life Sunday" this weekend, I wanted to share this video by Cornerstone Ministries. It's done against the background of a song written and performed by Jason French specifically for this year's observation.

Cleaning Green with EcoStoreUSA

I am sincerely loving the Ecostore USA products. So far I have tried their shampoo, conditioner, soap, baby wash, baby moisturizer, and now the cleaning products.

The dish soap works great, the laundry soap is amazing, the toilet bowl cleaner worked wonders on the toilets, and the spray cleaner works wonderfully. And aside from the spray cleaner everything smells wonderful. The spray cleaner really doesn't have much of a smell. It says Citrus spray cleaner but I don't really smell citrus. The good thing is that I don't smell any nasty stuff either.

My favorite is the laundry soap. It smells like Eucalyptus and you only need a couple small squirts into the laundry tub. It is super concentrated so a little goes a long way. It makes my basement smell so wonderful while I'm doing laundry and I like that the odor is natural not a bunch of chemical perfumes. Another great bonus it seems to brighten up the clothes and make the whites much brighter and whiter. Yeah, finally something natural that smells good and works great and it is so gentle you can use it for baby and children's laundry.

Everything is a little more expensive than what you might buy at the grocery store but it is all natural and concentrated so you only have to use a little. That means it lasts twice as long if not longer. And for just that bit of price difference it is SOOO worth it.

In the long wrong you'll be saving money, your health, and helping to save the planet. Sounds like a win, win, win situation to me. I think I'll be stocking up on more Ecostore USA products very soon.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A Parable for Pres. Obama

I read this on John Piper's' blog today. It certainly puts the events of the last week into perspective. Take a few minutes to read the entire article.

Sometimes we are so overwhelmed at being treated better than we deserve that we must exult in the all-sovereign God—the God of birds' flight and Obama’s rise. When King David pondered how many were God’s “wondrous deeds,” he said, “I will proclaim and tell of them, yet they are more than can be told” (Psalm 40:5). That’s the way I feel watching God’s public mercies in the last few days.

Have you considered how unlikely was the crash of USAir flight 1549 in the Hudson River on January 15—not just the rescue but the crash itself? Picture this: The Airbus A320 is taking off at an angle—maybe 30 degrees. It’s not flying horizontal with the earth. Not only that, it is flying fast—not full speed yet, but perhaps four times as fast as your car would go at top highway speeds.

The geese are flying horizontally with the ground, more or less. They are not flying in a cloud like a swarm of bees. They fly level with the ground, often shaped like a V. In view of all that, what are the odds that, traveling at this speed and at this angle, this airplane would intersect with the flight of those geese at that very millisecond which would put a bird not just in one of those engines, but both of them?

You can read the rest of this fascinating article here


Ya, I know & everyone knows Barack Obama is now the President of The US of the A...

Ya.... I know Michelle is cool and she's the next Jackie O'..... (I have copied/saved her styles in my collections too.. coming soon baby, ngahahhahah!!)

But above all these.....

I love this picture the best!

Thanks to the creator of this picture. You suck a big time because I almost fell down from the chair and laughed like crazy when I saw it. Ngahahahhhaaaa!!! ~ again and again.. :p *evil laughs

p/s: I'm attending a conference at Grand Continental Hotel from 21-22nd January so no updates for this week (cross my fingers). Will update this once I'm ready with my materials. Thank you.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


This time I come back with something that I guess that I have built interest in exploring 60's makeup. I am known for heavy smokey eyes in the office so why not trying this technique. Dramatic eyes, featuring mascara used heavily, producing spiked lashes. Shadow is colored or dark. Skin is pale, often from foundation or powder called "translucent." Lips are pale or glittering, rarely showing dark shades. Sounds sweet isn't it? I'm not a falsies follower so I opted for a twice coating mascara application to get that falsies look.

Oh yes, don't forget to wing your eyeliner. I'm using AVON's brand so it's quite good that I'd like to give them 4 stars. See the sweet pink pale lips? I will do the tutorial once I'm ready. So don't forget to follow my blog for the tutorials.

This is the modern 60's makeup to synchronize the timeless beauty.

Please try this and perhaps we can share some of your tips. Just tinkle me!

2009 Conference Schedule

Here are some of the conferences we will be attending this year. An elder or Pastor will be attending each conference listed. If you're interested in join us, you'll have to register as soon as possible. We'll arrange hotel rooms and will be able to provide flight information where appropriate if you would like to travel with us.

March 4-8 - Shepherd's Conference

Los Angeles, Ca

We'll leave on March 3 and return on March 7

We've been to this conference each year since 2003. It's intense but the fellowship is great, the teaching is profound and we are extremely well cared for by the folks at John MacArthur's church.

March 19-21 - Ligonier Conference

Orlando, Fl

We will leave March 18 and return March 22

This is our first time attending R.C. Sproul's conference. He's got a power house of speakers this year. Richard Ashby, John Boswell and Ron Spencer are already signed up.

May 11-13 - Basics 2009

Cleveland, Oh

We drive (about 7 hours) to this one and we usually have 6-8 people with us. We will leave early on May 11 and return sometime after dinnertime on May 13.

WorshipGod 2009 - Aug 5-8

Gaithersburg, MD

This is a great time of teaching and worship and the ladies get to join us! The conference is sponsored by Sovereign Grace Ministries and is affordable and close. We stay in Gaithersburg and have a great time together.

If you decide you would like to join us, let us know. We would love to fellowship with you.


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