
Wednesday, January 7, 2009

In Preparation for Prayer

We will usher in the New Year with a Special Prayer Service this Saturday morning at 10 AM. Aside from fasting like the widow in Luke 2:37, here are some things you can do to prepare and/or participate:

Pray continuously that the Holy Spirit will guide us and pray through us

Spend time before the Lord asking him to examine your heart and test you, bringing to the surface anything that might hinder your prayers

Begin writing down prayer requests and leadings you receive from the Holy Spirit. You can email them to me if you like.

Pray through Ephesians 6:10-18 as often as possible. This is spiritual warfare and we have to be familiar with the Lord's tactics in dealing with it and our mandate to engage in it.

Pray for the Elders, Staff and those who are gifted with intercession as we all prepare for the service.

Spend some time in private worship before the Lord that your spirit and soul might be refreshed.

The public is invited. Let's pray that those who attend will be blessed and that the service will be under the protection of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Pray for the Sunday morning service that follows.

Invite and encourage others to attend in particular, our brothers and sisters from Hope Christian Fellowship,

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