
Friday, January 9, 2009


Our prayer service is tomorrow morning. Some folks are fasting today in preparation. Here are some guidelines I sent out this morning:

For those who would like to fast prior to the prayer service, there are a number of ways you can do it;

You can fast from everything. This is probably the most difficult fast for most of us to participate in. In it you abstain form eating or drinking anything other than water. Be careful as caffeine or sugar can cause you to fall off this fast.

You can have a juice fast. I find this the easiest fast to do. You drink juice instead of eating. V8 is a great juice but some folks like orange juice or others. Check the sugars in your juice to make sure that there are less than 10 grams per service as they can cause cravings.

You can fast one meal. Skip your breakfast or lunch. This is an easy fast as well.

You can fast a favorite item. This should be done over a longer period of time rather than over a 24 hour period. The idea is that you are giving something you cherish up for your fast.

However you decide to fast, the time you would have normally spent eating should be spent in prayer and reading of the Scriptures. Try to avoid thinking about your possible weight loss and use the time to concentrate on the Lord and His will in your life. I've found that it's best to begin praying when hunger begins to rise up and take your focus away from the spiritual side of the fast.

Some folks are unable, for medical reasons to fast. You can still participate by praying for those who are fasting and by 'fasting' a favorite activity. You can also participate by devoting part of your lunch or dinner break to praying and reading of Scripture.

The prayer service begins at 10 AM tomorrow morning. We will share lunch together at noon.

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