
Thursday, January 8, 2009

Pray For Our President

Yesterday, all of the living past Presidents gathered in the White House to chat for a while and to meet the President Elect. This is a traditional event and can be viewed as a photo opportunity but I always prefer to look upon it a as as an overview of the recent history of our nation, a snapshot of the last 4 decades of our lives and the direction and path of the USA.

Now, I'm no so naive that I think everyone who reads this blog is an ardent supporter of President Obama. But here's where we get tested as believers. Are we believers first and political advocates second or is it the other way around?

You see, Scripture is very clear on the necessity to pray for our leaders. For one thing, Jesus is Lord over each of them (Rom 13:1, Col 2:10). Secondly, we are commanded to pray for them, regardless of our political perspective (1 Tim 2:1-2).

Here's a great opportunity to come into line with what Scripture tells us to do.

This organization

Click Here To Visit -- The Presidential Prayer Team

was formed during George W. Bush's first term. Evangelicals flocked to it when it first started. Now we have the chance to be a reflection of Christ to our government officials. They have begun an effort to bathe the President Elect in prayer prior to his inauguration.

If you're interested, you can sign up here. You'll get a handy, well worded reminder in your email each day to motivate you to do what Christians do best, pray.

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