
Monday, January 19, 2009


This is truly a classic!! True story sent via email. Thanks to Jar Jar the Bink!

Letter from LHDN
A taxpayer called up the LHDN (Inland Revenue Board) in Terengganu, and asked for Form B. The LHDN clerk who answered the call asked for the address to send the form to. The conversation goes:

LHDN CLERK: "Boleh bagi alamat encik?" (Can you give me your address?)
TAXPAYER: "Hantar ke Ranhill Worley." (Send to Ranhill Worley)

LHDN CLERKI: "Ranhill... eja macam mana?" (err... How to spell Ranhill?)

TAXPAYER: "R.. for Rumah... A for Ayam.. N for Nangka... H for Holland... I for itik... L for lain-lain...." (spelling)

LHDN CLERK: "Ok.. nanti kami hantar ke alamat tu" (OK, we will send to that address...)

After waiting for a week, the form arrived - have a look at the address on the envelope!!! Don't know how true it this but that was something super hillarious!

.... The other day, Whilst washing the dishes, Gabby asked me, "Mama, can I join the 'TOM TOM BAK' show?" I asked her, why then she said, "because I can sing now....".. Yeah right... No way Jose! Not until you're 12 then Mama will personally train you for Bintang Kecil. (I was one of the 1990's Bintang Kecil Finalists for Kuching's Division, can't make it to the State Level!! - but my experience was COOL!!) Anyway, CNY is around the corner would like to wish my Chinese friends like Jar Jar the Bink, Cat Cat, Huai Bin, Irene, Foo a very merry GONG XI FA CHAI, ANG BAO BO LAI MEH??? Hahahaahhaha.... (so mengarut!!).

I hope Mr. Hubby will accomplish his 'works' before CNY so that he could be with us again, I really miss his presence on the weekends especially. For sure will attend the CNY's Eve Dinner @ Uncle Bernard's house, the go visiting my bosses' house and perhaps if it's possible (cross my fingers) will visit my grandma in Lundu and have fun there, I miss my granny!

This week I'm quite occupied with courses and online games so there will be some delays in blog updating. Check out my Miss Bimbo, she's evolved in so many ways and groove in so many styles!

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