
Saturday, January 10, 2009

New Year's Prayer Service

Our Special Prayer Service was awesome today! We had great turn out, the weather held until it was over and the prayers lifted up by the saints at WBF were led and filled by the Holy Spirit.

I knew before the Service even began that something special was going to happen. I had received a lot of email from folks that committed to pray for us and a surprising number of folks that had joined us in our fast the day before. Early in the morning, there was a quiet peace about the sanctuary. As people began to arrive, around 9 AM to set up, you could feel the presence of the Holy Spirit as Kelly played and sang softly.

We started at 10 AM sharp, being led by Kelly in a time of worship. It was sweet and reverent.

Then, we prayed for our nation for about a half hour with many folks lifting up prayers for our President Elect, our legislators, the supreme court, the military with special prayers covering our troops and the posture of the United States before our Father in heaven.

Corporate prayer continued with the entire group praying for our town, the churches and Pastors in our town, the local officials, the schools, the children, the economy and for revival to rise up in our area.

Prayer for WBF was next. Moving and heartfelt prayers were proclaimed giving thanks for our building, the folks in it, our ministries, our new programs, our existing programs, the leaders of the church and all the many precious folks who make WBF function as well as it does.

Individual prayer requests and petitions were last. All I can say it that God moved powerfully among us during this time. What a tremendous blessing to hear the powerful prayers of so many said in such a heartfelt way! I heard prayers that may impact my life for as long as I remain here on Earth.

Praise God and thank Him for the spirit of intercession that rose up in our sanctuary this morning! What a way to start the year!

We ended the service with communion, another moving and heartfelt time with the Lord. Lunch was served by the ladies of the Women's Ministry afterwards and, although it hit a few snags, no one cared. It was actually quite a blessing as it gave us more time to bask in the warm glow of His fellowship and in our fellowship with each other.

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