
Sunday, January 25, 2009

Todd Stull's Installation Service

What a set of services today! We installed a new member of our Staff and received a number of people into membership.

Starting out with an excellent time of worship with our Praise and Worship band (some folks were spinning around) and moving through a short message on Spiritual Warfare, we got to the serious stuff when Todd took his place in the pulpit. He began to relate his vision for the Youth ministry at WBF by sharing his personal testimony. After that he revealed heart's desire to place a firm foundation under our kids while integrating them as valuable, contributing members of WBF. Todd was able to clearly demonstrate his passion for the spiritual health and welfare of our children.

After being charged by Pastor Bob, the entire Staff and Elder board then prayed over Todd and Kelly, affirming their ministry and asking God's blessing, provision and protection upon them and their family. Todd was presented with a towel as a reminder that all of us who are called into ministry are called to serve.

Following Todd's installation, we then received 14 new members into fellowship. Again, charges were given and prayers uttered over the new members and their participation at WBF.

I love these days. To me, it's always an emotional moment when we see someone new standing in the pulpit and moving into a leadership position. It is the tangible evidence of God moving among us, growing us and blessing us. We give Him all the thanks, praise and honor for what He is doing at WBF and around our town.

Here are some pictures of the service today:

Many thanks to Scott Ferrell for his great photos!

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