
Tuesday, August 11, 2009



I met the ladies blogger at Grand Margherita for a hi-tea session last Saturday. I was the first person to arrive then followed by Miss Lyana from France. The hi-tea was hosted by Miss Puteri from U.S. Sounds very international but it is the truth fact. Oh yes, did I mention that they are my relatives from my Saratok's background? Lyana is actually my 2nd cousin, the same blood running in our veins kan Lyana? *wink.

We promised each other to bring along our netbooks and exceptional for Chris since that she drove down from Meradong to town just to meet us. So sweet! *hugs*. Eh, she was late too since she's coming with two friends, Kathy and Sumang and they really had fun shopping at The Spring before meeting us.

This blog is ain't a blog without foodie pics. Sempat skodeng mangkuk 'Mihun Sup' @ Bee Hoon Soup, Puteri's favourite. She was patiently waiting for the broth the be heated. Oh, she was sweating a bucket after slurping the whole bowl. Sedap gilakah Puteri?
Justify Full

Well, Puteri started hers with something hot but Lyana and I had our own agenda. Since the hot weather was killing us, we started with self-made Ice Kacang. Damn! Refreshing, soothing, ..... what could we say more..

My second platter. Beef and Chicken satays with ketupat (rice cake). Oh, there is it you can see my chicken burger (so cute!) and not forgetting, Potato Samosas. Plus the chilli sauce. Yum Yum.

My third platter - Nasi Goreng Nenas (Pineapple Fried Rice) and Fried Chicken.

My dessert, a second one perhaps. I had this sourish ice-cream and topped with loads of walnuts and almonds. Don't forget the chocolate rice and carved chocolate sprinkles. Owhh.. I'm in 7th heaven!

The host. Meet the Campbells. Lil Denice, lil Duncan, Douglas and Puteri Doris. Currently residing in Galt, California. I'm glad that finally, I managed to meet them, the whole family!

The Gossip Girls! Miss Coki, Lyana, Puteri and Chris.

Our faces. Looks like a gathering of Serakup Indu Iban Sarawak hahahaha... Oh yes, we teased Debbie and Charlene thru Facebook that day too. Deb and Charl, we can meet up next time OK? Just give me a tinkle and we can have another hu ha's session like this in future.

To Lyana, Puteri and Chris, 3 hours were not enough for us but yet, it was totally awesome to have met you guys in person. ( I met Lyana twice already!)

Adios Puteri,
Au Voir Lyana,
Bye bye Chris!

Till we meet again next time,

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