
Sunday, August 9, 2009


I dunno how to describe my weekend. The weather shows no improvement at all. Went to Grand Margherita for the bloggers meet up (will do the review later......) and Kuching Fest at Padungan. The funniest thing about our visit (annual ritual) to the Kuching Fest, we have found the most strategic parking lot, which is next to the entrance. That was OK. Then we walked and walked.. for less than 15 minutes and returned back to the car! I can't stand the dirty air plus the heat! I wonder how Kuching people can happily take their children out and have fun eating at the Fest under the bloody dirty weather and air. *sigh.

As I have mentioned a kazillion times that our bedroom's aircond went dead a couple of weeks ago. We tried to figure out the best way to sleep by opening the window for 'free air' plus two fans - ceiling fan and table fan. It was OK till one day, I found my skin started to reveal some rashes and yesterday I noticed that the rashes produced pus (nanah) too! Yuckss! OK. Damn fine. We took our smelly with sweat pillows and comforters and slept inside the mini office since the room installed with aircond and aaaahhh... So glad to see Mr. Kingkong slept tightly and soundly last night.

So people, it is advisable that if you go out there frequently please take bath at least thrice a day to prevent skin rash or disease. As what my husband always says, please don't get sick. Don't forget to wash your hands when preparing food or holding your small kids. Just cut off outside activities like jogging, visiting crowding places and be at home is the safest thing to do now. I know people like me especially love to go outing during the weekends but whenever I think about the consequences, I guess I've to cancel my intention from doing so.

p/s: Please check your pets too. We just lose our mommy cat, Nanun this afternoon. You're safe in heaven now. Farewell Nanun, we will always remember you, our beautiful cat. :( *cry.

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