
Tuesday, August 18, 2009


I lost my voice becos of sore throat. Damn.

OH, read some tips from Big Momma's blog. She has written down some useful tips to handle the H1N1, the most ubiquitously spoken topic nowadays. Aha, I can't miss to visit my parents on Sunday's afternoon since the railing works will be done on that day too. How then if I still unable to make it?

1. Sleeping Beauty.
Yes. There's nothing better than longer sleeping hours? I actually woke up very early on Saturday morning to prepare breakfast. Why? Because my tummy was grumbling and I was kinda starving in the dawn. I continued to sleep after that.

2. Vitamin C supplement
Hubby can't find papayas and he forgot to buy me 100 Plus. Thanks to Flavettes Vit. C tablets that he bought for me a day before. Just a tablet a day will low down the heat.

3. Power of H2O
Gulp plenty of water would make you feel bloat but who cares when it is actually helping you in many ways? Yes, water is GOOD for you and your skin too.

4. Bathing
To reduce your body heat, try to take bath frequently like..... 4 times a day? Eh, I'm not crazy but I always do this!

5. Coughing Syrup by your side
This is the most crucial sidekick should you really have no idea how to calm down the urge to uhuk uhuk! The best that I can recommend is the old school - Woods Peppermint Cure! Don't sip directly from the spoon but dilute it with 2 tablespoon of lukewarm water and sip slowly. I guarantee the next day you will barf with lot of mucus, hehehehe....... it's very refreshing too!

So how did you go thru your sickness? Care to share with the readers out there?

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