
Thursday, August 13, 2009


Justify Full
When my tummy stress, it will urge me to search for a rare species of food like Mohamad Lim Abdullah belakang Parkson Grand Famous Kolok Mee .... Whadda name he has, this stall is located at Taman Sri Sarawak Mall, not a mall but a parking area.. just behind our Riverside Majestic Hotel. This is a halal version of Kolok Mee, the Char Sio inside the bowl is actually the vegetarian type. It's very rich, enriched by the thick sauce. The sauce according to my tongue tastes like Pak Lo sauce. Yummy.....

My PC UPS . Helping my PC to stay 'ON' during the power failure (blackout) so my PC won't get stressed because I have time to save all my documents before safely switching off my CPU. Sounds like easy and so reliable.

I hate today very much. I know H1N1 is driving everyone crazy in the office (as you know that I'm working with health department). My eyes, oh my eyes are so tired that lead my brain into disfunctionality and I feel damn sleepy too! Fatigue? No. It's just my brain gone jammed. First, I have to cancel two appointments since boss is taking an emergency sick leave and quarantined himself at home. All important correspondence that need his signature had to be sent to his house thanks to our driver. Fine. Then I called hotel to cancel his booking, called the travel agent to cancel his seat's booking too. After that had to call up Miri Hospital to inform them the replacement for him and made bookings again..... it's like a never ending job to me today. By 3:00 p.m. I felt that I needed to get recharged but I don't have time to make myself a cup of coffee so at some points, I fell asleep in front of PC! Yes, very funny and idiot looking at the same time.

So avoid the deadly 'sleepy' virus, cover your eyes with mask. Haha!

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