
Thursday, August 13, 2009

Join the Discussion

In an effort to be better connected with our community, I have created a director's blog so that information and issues concerning the library can be efficiently, and hopefully effectively, communicated to our patrons. Our patrons are the heart and soul of the Meyersdale Public Library. What you think matters to us. Please feel free to respectfully contribute to the discussion. Knowing your needs will help us better serve you.

The most pressing issue facing Pennsylvania public libraries today is the current threat of major funding cuts. State funding enables our library to stay open. Without this financial support the Meyersdale Public Library will not be able to continue to offer the quality programming and services for which it has become so well-known. Being able to help our patrons further their education, obtain job and resume counseling, and appreciate the importance of literacy in their homes and families have been top priorities to the library staff and board. Please let your supportive voices for our library by contacting local legislators and sharing the following messages:

Thank your Senator, Representative and the Governor for his past support of public libraries.
• Because libraries are a lifeline for the unemployed and their families, urge him to support
library funding as one of the priorities for level funding in the negotiations for a new state
• Tell him that public libraries all across Pennsylvania are busier than ever during this recession serving those looking for work, many without Internet access at home, and hundreds more of their constituents and families who need the library open more hours not fewer. (If you can, offer some specifics about just how much the library means to you in these tough times.)
• Remind him that the drastic, steep cuts (55%) included in the Senate amendments to the budget bill will force library closings and service cutbacks at a time when their constituents need libraries to be fully open and equipped to serve.
• Inform him that Pennsylvania stands to lose between $1.9 million and $4.3 million in federal money if any of the budget plans currently under consideration pass with deep cuts in library funding.

Listed below is the contact information for our government representatives:

Governor Rendell

Governor Edward G. Rendell's Office
225 Main Capitol Building
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120

Website to email comment

Senator Kasunic
Capitol Address
458 Capitol Building
Senate Box 203032
Harrisburg, PA 17120-3032
Fax: 717-787-0195

Rep. Carl Metzgar

Capitol Office
149-A East Wing
PO Box 202069
Harrisburg, PA 17120-2069
Fax: (717) 787-2005

I would like to thank all our wonderful patrons and supporters who have offered their time, finances, and encouragement to our library. Every effort makes a difference!

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