
Friday, August 21, 2009


The best month of the year. The month when I would roll down my sleeve and pretend myself that I am too lazy too cook. Yes. Tomorrow is the 1st day of Ramadhan. Oh, Whadda Isteri Mithali sungguh punya statement kan? Talking about bulan Puasa, my boss birthday falls on 23rd of August. Lah sudah! Next week is Puasa so I don't think we can make celebration for him.

So, we had our emergency meeting on Fail Meja and MS ISO 2008 so Dr. Johnny and I've been thinking of having it after the meeting. I gave him our office collection and he bought a cheesecake, some puddings and packet drinks. It's simple and sweet, I know he was gonna like it. FYI, my boss ni nama je Raja, bukan Raja Kari atau Rajalinggam tapi level of humbleness is so the very high one.

Some of my favourite pictures. The boring and tiring faces of Sisters Sisters after lunch, my cute boss cutting his cake and my colleague merangkap geng keras terbaru posing with her packet drink, apakah ya ampun??? Hahahaha.....

Happy birthday boss, yang keberapa just let me know kan? Malulah nak letak sini ceh ceh ceh.. Wishing you the best health, good wealth and always prosperous with jokes to make our days in the office. I know my boss is very sick of handling H1N1 and everyone knows he is the Super Hero tangled in between jobs and his responsibilities for the health of rakyat jelata. We love you boss! *Tabik*.

p/s: esok puasa yay!!! Pasar Ramadhan, here I come!

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