
Saturday, August 15, 2009


Good morning Saturday!

Today's morning was damn beautiful..... I looked outside the window, to the left, the air was cleaner,

I looked at right, the sky was brighter,

I looked in front, the workers were not there yet to renovate my neighbour's car porch...

Very beautiful day to go outing and shopping. How to start today? Maybe with a scrumptuous breakfast at C121, aaahhh. I miss the Fried Kueh Tiaw, Penang one. After that I wanted to go to Watson's BDC and later in the evening to the Kuching Fest since tomorrow is the last day.








I am sick - coughing with flu and sore throat! Shittt!!!!

That's a complete punishment for me when the day was so gorgeously intriguing. Why? Why?? Why?? *Uhuk uhuk uhuk!

"Huwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...mommy, I wanna go shopping..."

p/s: That face at the window is actually 'freshly from the oven', from the bed to the window, hahahaha.. so smelly!

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