
Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Happy Birthday, Kelly!

Today is Kelly's birthday. What a time we're experiencing! What an adventure! What a woman God has given me to walk next to! She's the love and light of my life.

Here are some of my thoughts as I sit here, early in the morning and think about her special day:

Kelly has miraculously, maybe only in my eyes, gotten younger looking and more beautiful. She's worked vary hard to get herself in shape with amazing results. I'm so proud of the job she's done! It inspires me to do more to stay healthy.

She looks great. But there's so much more here.

I, I know that Kelly is radiating the truth Peter shared in 1 Peter 3:1-6. She's gotten hold of the beauty and purity of God's purpose and calling in her life. The peace and love that come from that is just pouring from her. Kelly is acutely aware that all the outward adornment in the world cannot hold a candle to the inner beauty of being totally committed to her God and putting on His attributes. Watching her as she continues to grow in her faith has been exciting and energizing.

Kelly has always been my biggest encourager and my harshest critic. Most people won't fully understand how vital both blessings are to me. She knew long before I did that I would become a Pastor. When it happened, her excitement knew no bounds. It gave me the confidence to step out in faith and do something I would not otherwise have been able to do. Her passion for seeing the truth of God's word and the supremacy of Christ rise up in our ministry and in our private life has provided an accountability that has refined and focused me as we continue to move
forward. She's managed to do all this while being one of the finest mothers our children could ever have.

I have been blessed and moved by her dedication to our Lord and her passion for being a "good and faithful servant". Her ever-increasing thirst for His Word and her eagerness and enthusiasm to share it with those around her is contagious. Her sheer joy in praising Him and worshiping Him is an exhortation all in itself. Her grief at her own imperfection has driven her to a deeper understanding and appreciation of our God's grace. As we face those realities together, a whole new era has dawned in our relationship with each other and our relationship with God.

Where did all this come from? How is it, that when life should be slowing down for both of us, there is a new vibrancy, a new urgency, a new energy and a deeper love than ever before? I believe it is the Holy Spirit drawing us closer to the Father and helping us to realize that we still have a long way to go. the journey is not ending. In so many ways, it's just beginning. I believe, with all my heart, God is saying, through my wife, "I am the God of miracles! I am the God of Blessing! I am the God of love! I am the God who will refine you! I am the God who will sustain you! I am the God of no beginning....and no end!"

I love you, Kelly. Happy birthday. You are God's great blessing to me and a great treasure to Him.

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