
Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Ohhh.. best nya, Miss Coki is at home, just came back from the market buying meat and veggies. Sounds like so the very Ibu Mithali kan? After that had breakfast together with Papa and Gabby. Just kolok mee deng...hahahaha; :p I miss office already.

Yes, I'm on leave for today and tomorrow, plus weekend and our Merdeka Day next Monday. 5 days at home, Merdeka for me from H1N1 and workloads. I'm still contactable via YM and should you need me, just buzz me when you see me online. I monitor the works from home.

Well readers, it's time for lunch. Hot bone soup is awaiting to be slurped. Before leaving, just an image of my dinner last night with Zul @ The Bing.

Oh Mork.... remember that 'salsa' I thought before? Very Malaysian!

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