
Saturday, December 13, 2008


Gabby is so grumpy! She can't wait to go to the function that she is actually crying in this picture.

We attended Ini Umang's (Hubby's grandma) 87th birthday last Monday. As usual, all the Supremists flocked the place by 8:00 p.m. and was welcome by Uncle Polycarp, MC for the night.

Bla..bla..bla.. our funny uncle.

So, the next person to give speech was Uncle Donald. He also announced that all family members are entitled for the 'Donald Lawan Foundation'. It's actually an Educational Incentive for high achievers of SPM, UPSR, PMR. So this year, hubby's niece (cousin Kathy's daughter) scored 5A's in the recent UPSR, so she's got RM50 for each A. Well, RM250 is a huge amount for a 12 years old kid. I kid you not!

The little recipient with big scores! Oh ya, Uncle Donald is teasing her, she must kiss his cheek to get the award!

Our table. I'm sitting with my SIL - Melissa and Aunty Lenti. She's MIL sis-in-law. Ignore my look there. Is that because I'm too fair or my face is too oily? Haaahahahhaha..!!

Hehehhe... Food!!!!! Needless to say when I had two rounds. OMG! O_o*

The hightlight of the night. Birthday cake cutting! Everyone had to squeeze themselves just to fit in the frame. *LOL*

Oh, well. When there is birthday my daughter's face will be inches away from the cake.

A function will definitely disfunction without entertainment. The two prominent entertainers of the nigth were;

Dana, my brother-in-law. He blew everyone with his own rendition of Iban songs!

and surprise of the night was by my Gabby who went to the stage and requested a song. She then blew everyone away with her performance, singing "Tusah Belaki Nguai". Enjoy the video! It was short, pardon me because my digicam was running out of battery so I had to use my HP.

Hubby and I were astonished by her. We don't have karaoke player at home and what more to say collecting Iban song CDs. Guess where did she learn this song? Thanks to YOUTUBE. Yes.. you can find lots of Iban songs in YouTube.

When I praised her for being so sporting and brave, this was how she replied me.

"Nuan ingat nuan aja expert belagu kah???" - "You think you're the only one who is expert in singing??"

Yes.. like mother; like daughter!

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