
Friday, December 19, 2008


Oh, I'm tagged again! (^^,)

  • List these rules on your blog.
  • Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog.
  • Tell 7 unspectacular quirks on yours.
  • Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
  • Link the person who tagged you.
  • Leave a comment for each blogger.

So, Number 1: done!

Number 2: 7 facts
a) She Eats Big
b) Her size is as big as 3XL
c) She is Bubbly
d) Also a Workaholic
e) Makeup Freak, yes she is...
f) Oh ya, her shoes size is 10 or 40/41 -
not an easy job to find beautiful shoes, OK??
g) She Hates parking so Faraway..

Number 3: 7 quirks
a) Can't live a day without Kolok Mee with lots of Char Sio Bak!
b) Always believe in her sweet dreams and nightmares - especially when Deja Vu always seems so really happening anyhow.
c) An Indonesian freak! She finds Indonesia is fascinating. - ini ngomong yg bener nich..!
d) She feels drowning in big crowd - especially when the mall is fully packed with shoppers!
e) Loves to garnish every food with chilli powder - especially fried chikin!
f) Can fall asleep easily, anywhere she is possible to do so.
g) Hates when people looking at her with a quirky look!

Number 4: I tag
a) Cat Cat
- u must obey my command girl!
b) Cath Nelson
- Cikgu, school holidays doesn't mean that u're free, do the tag!
c) Cay
- mun sik polah kakak marah tauk sik? Haha!
d) Chris - Jadi cikgu mesti rajin!

e) Cuthess -
It's mandatory for you to response to this tag!
f) Foo - Can't escape, this is a homework for u!
g) Yen - Moshi² Just Do It. Arigato Gozaimas, Gambatte!!!

Number 5:
I was genuinely Tagged by Nurulle

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