
Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Seasons Greetings

*Baby Aline's picture.... whoaaaaa..she looks like Gabby already.. Wweeeeeeeeeeeeeee........

I followed hubby to PC Image, Wisma Saberkas to search for new notebook. It's for him actually, because we always quarrel over a PC..miaahahahahaa! My old PC had already given to my Gabby and is now connected to internet. The new PC was bought for me a year ago, as my Christmas gift. Since there is no PC for him, by right we must share, yes we should but you know-lah when I'm overjoyed with PC games, I simply ignore him, muaeekekekk.... Hehehe... nobody can beat the two Queens of the house.

After questioning few salesmen and checking some notebooks, we had to put the decision on hold first, we have to think about other priorities in budgeting too. Yes, we have only one child but we have 2 families to look after i.e. I supply my own mother personal allowance every month, we have bills amounting hundreds of Ringgit to settle, plus groceries, food, petrol, insurance, not forgetting expenses on Gabby and other expenditures. My FIL is a pensioner so you know how tough our lives are. :D :D That is why I always urge hubby that living by our own is cheaper, I mean Hubby, Gabby and I... Nah, who says that staying with in-laws is easy????

So, to cut the story short, the time was already 7:25 p.m. which means there will be no time for me to cook dinner so we went down to the ground level of Wisma Saberkas to have very light dinner. Thinking of buying sandwiches at All Joy but hubby said he wanted to eat noodles. Ok, so we went to:

Tadaaaa!!!! I guess everyone knows this. It's located next to Speedy Video store. It has nothing to brag about but what I want to highlight here is the price of their Kolok Mee. It's RM3.00 per bowl and this is only what you will get for......

My expression when the bowls arrived was, "Hahh??!!" The portion was so small. Well, to prove it to you all let me show you something. By using a pair of chopstick, I dug in and lifted the chopsticks up on the air, one go only lah geng! so sikit liao. *LOL*

What we have almost everyday for breakfast e.g. 2 bowls of Kolok Mee (RM 5.60) and a glass of Nescafe Peng/Teh Peng fo (RM 1.70 each) = Most likely we spend around RM 8-9.00 for breakfast itself.

Surprise.. surprise...

but when the noodles finished in seconds's not a surprise, not a surprise.... :p Haha!

I want to show off our skinny christmas tree. Look at it, isn't that a beauty? We bought some cheap ornaments to hang on the tree.

Nice anot? NIce horr??

Lil Santa and I. I took this two days ago. I can't wait to for my annual leave soon.. soon baby, soon.. but for the time being, let me settle the piles on my desk. *SLeepY.


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