
Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Please take note: This is my entry for Monday and very sorry for the delay.

I try to soothe my Monday, the first day of the working week but I still hate Monday.

Bosses gone to Lawas for a site visit so I guessed that I should have ample time to accomplish my mission to settle everything before taking annual leave starting from 24th December to 4th January next year.

.... time had gone by... works are still undone. I'm so lonely tonight. Gabby has gone to sleep an hour ago, so now am watching Indonesian Horror Movie, 'TIREN (Mati Kemaren) and tell you what, it's good!

Oh by the way, Dewi Persik is the main character (Ranti) in this movie. She is a famous 'pendangdut' (dangdut singer) and damn! She's HOT!!! A 'janda' (divorcee) she is also famous for her significant sense of styles - skimpy and tight!

Hail to all her male fans who are so delighted to touch her boobs... *faint

Too aggresive doing Goyang Gerudi? Her top's strap snapped and flashed again, her booby! This picture was taken during one of her stage shows.

Just go to YouTube to watch it. It's a horror comedy actually but I love the blends of spicy plots and some heart thumping scenes. Hey, I've saved some scenes from the movie itself.. Just to show how it looks like...

The two naughty guys, 'kaki lepak kampung' were screaming when they saw this...


Found the synopsis so for those who can read Indonesian, here it is:

Ranti (Dewi Persik) ditemukan meninggal secara mendadak dan misterius. Hendra (Baron Hermanto), ayahnya, sangat marah dan dendam. Ketika mengubur, Hendra sengaja tidak melepas tali pocong Ranti, dengan maksud agar arwah Ranti mengejar orang yang membunuhnya. Ranti benar-benar jadi arwah penasaran, dan membuat geger Korban pertama yang didatangi arwah Ranti adalah Leo (Renee The). Semasa hidupnya, Ranti pernah memergoki Leo berselingkuh dengan sahabatnya sendiri, Maya (Deriell Jacqueline) Selanjutnya, Ranti berubah menjadi wanita cantik dan menggoda Reno (Aldi Taher), suami Maya. Reno tergoda hingga terjadilah hubungan selingkuh Apa yang terjadi setelahnya, sungguh hal yang sangat menakutkan...
You may click HERE to start to watch! Awas ya, jangan bilang gue nggak ngasih amaran duluan! *LOL*

Apart from this movie, I watch a lot of Indonesian movies, most of them from the YouTube. You just name it, I have watched Kuntilanak, Pocong, and hundreds more!! Only at YouTube.

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