
Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

Last night we had our Christmas Eve Service. This is always a high point in our year and a lot of preparation goes into it. The ladies took great care to decorate the church beautifully. The decorations always bring a warm and cozy glow to our 100 year old building. It creaks and leaks at times but it sure is beautiful:

Pastor Bob worked hard to plan the order of service and a lot of people spent a lot of time getting the church, the music and all the little things that go into the service ready for Christmas Eve.

At 6:00, the church filled up. We were blessed and privileged to have our brothers and sisters from Hope Christian Fellowship join us and a large number of folks from the community as well. We made good use of the overfloww room set up in Fellowship Hall by Mike Gross. The worship team did a wonderful job leading us in Christmas Carols. Then Ron Scruggs, whom God healed from a serious throat condition just in time, delivered a powerful and poignant Christmas message. What an amazing blessing to see the leaders of our church able to minister the Word so effectively! Ron's message ended with a new and original song written just for the evening by himself and John Boswell. Kelly sang the song and it was incredible! Scott, the Pastor from Hope closed the service with with a gospel invitation and prayer.

Kelly and I are leaving for Vermont this morning to see Ruth, Todd and.....SAMMI!!!! We're looking forward to spending 4 or 5 days with them even though they live in Vermont and are rumored to have.....wait for it.......SNOW!

Before we leave, I wanted to share with you how blessed and privileged we are to be able to share our lives with you and to have the honor of sharing your lives as well. God has opened the doors and windows of heaven this year and poured out His blessings on our church and our church families. We have been overwhelmed by your love, support and encouragement and it's hard to express how much all that means to us and how deeply appreciated each of you are.

We're so thankful for our elders and the job they do in leadng us, for the Deacons and the hard work they put into the facility and the benevolence ministry, for the ministry Heads and Directors and the committment to the flock they exhibit and for all those beautiful folks who so generously devote their time, talent and treasure to making things happen at WBF. We're even more thankful for all the wonderful folks God has brought through the doors of WBF and into our lives. It is truly a humbling honor to be able to be a part of what God is doing among us.

Last night was a magical, supernatural, miraculous coda to an amazing year at WBF. Merry Christmas to all and may God bless each of you abundantly.

I'll be sharing some thoughts on the coming year sometime next week. It's going to be an exciting one!

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