
Thursday, December 4, 2008


My niece Ashlyn Cassandra is already 1 month old already!

My family decided to have a blessing ceremony for her. My parents' Bible study group were invited as well as the Supremacists (Our family lah who else... hehehee).

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls we are proudly presenting the 600gm-heavier-than-2-weeks-ago Ashlyn @ Aline.. feeewwwiitt!!! * Clap clap!!

The blessing ceremony started at 8:30 p.m. with songs of praise and worship and readings taken from the Holy Bible.

My brother Ted is playing guitar with them, you can see my sister is holding Ashlyn, the Sub Deacon is singing his heart out and clapping his hands. The last inset picture. Can you see my dad's hair and Ashlyn's hair? Hahahaha... Aline should have donated some of her hair to cover Aki's head. Hahahaha...

My blog entry is incomplete without food pictures! We had prawns, Dried beancurd in Oyster sauce, Chicken Curry, Mixed Veggies, Kachangma and porkie bones with salted veggies.

These two sweethearts, I had to 'shhhhhhhhh' them for giggling loudly while the Sub Deacon was uttering the Bible verses. OMG!... They would laugh at anything! They talked about farting, they laughed, they talked about falling down they giggled... I said to myself.. Patience Coki.. be patience...

Overall I could say, everyone seemed so happy and went home with full tummy. Oh ya, Mak also made some 'Keropok Ubi' (tapioca crackers) for the guests. They are so crunchy and tasty! Don't believe it?

Seeing is believing.. Mak gave me one bucket of this! Thanks Mak!! Love you!!


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