
Wednesday, December 31, 2008


I would like to wish everyone a very Happy and Prosperous New Year 2009! Hey, I saw everyone is excited with the New Year's entry but mine? I am late but better than never right? We were so intoxicated last night that our drinking session finished by ..hmm.. nearly 4 a.m.!! OH yeassszzzz..... Hahahahha!

This year the celebration was done at our crib. All AKURians were present except Anne who's still on vacation with her parents to China. Oii Anne, lamak nar juak kau makan angin sampei 2 minggu? Hahahahaa...

Ok, back to the report. Everyone arrived after 7:30 p.m. Mae and Syrile, then Loly and Morgan and finally Mir. Total party animals of the night - 12 people. Cool.

The food. Mostly BBQ-ed like lamb chops, sausages and chicken wings. The killers of the night were some cheap beers, vintage Tuak (I call it vintage... one of the bottles is 7 years old) and Label 5.

We stopped our drinking sessions before midnight. When the clock struck 12, we toasted our beers and wished each other Happy New Year... and after that the battles begun. Yayy!! I remain in the top 4! Without puking OK? Am I strong or not? Hahahahha...

OK. Mir, if you read this blog please witness this video, how goofy you were last night.... Hahahhahah!!

Hubby and Mae were among the 2 early eliminations. *LOL Morgan and I were the best drinkers as we didn't vomit, we didn't puke or being goofy as well. Crazy!

Ok guys, have to leave now.. I need to take my shower, ouugghh I smell like cow dung but tell you the truth, last night was awesome!

Happy New Year readers!!!

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