
Wednesday, December 31, 2008


I would like to wish everyone a very Happy and Prosperous New Year 2009! Hey, I saw everyone is excited with the New Year's entry but mine? I am late but better than never right? We were so intoxicated last night that our drinking session finished by ..hmm.. nearly 4 a.m.!! OH yeassszzzz..... Hahahahha!

This year the celebration was done at our crib. All AKURians were present except Anne who's still on vacation with her parents to China. Oii Anne, lamak nar juak kau makan angin sampei 2 minggu? Hahahahaa...

Ok, back to the report. Everyone arrived after 7:30 p.m. Mae and Syrile, then Loly and Morgan and finally Mir. Total party animals of the night - 12 people. Cool.

The food. Mostly BBQ-ed like lamb chops, sausages and chicken wings. The killers of the night were some cheap beers, vintage Tuak (I call it vintage... one of the bottles is 7 years old) and Label 5.

We stopped our drinking sessions before midnight. When the clock struck 12, we toasted our beers and wished each other Happy New Year... and after that the battles begun. Yayy!! I remain in the top 4! Without puking OK? Am I strong or not? Hahahahha...

OK. Mir, if you read this blog please witness this video, how goofy you were last night.... Hahahhahah!!

Hubby and Mae were among the 2 early eliminations. *LOL Morgan and I were the best drinkers as we didn't vomit, we didn't puke or being goofy as well. Crazy!

Ok guys, have to leave now.. I need to take my shower, ouugghh I smell like cow dung but tell you the truth, last night was awesome!

Happy New Year readers!!!

Feliz Año Nuevo 2009

Este es el ultimo post de este año en este su blog de confianza.

A todos los q siguen este blog (o de menos lo leen) les deseo un prospero año nuevo 2009 y deseo q todos lo q se propongan lo logren, este post es mas q nada para eso asi q disfruten su comida o cena, esas deliciosas uvas y a su familia bueno eso es todo. Nos leemos el siguiente año.

Imagenes para hi5

A List of Everything Prayed For In The New Testament

Lists are popular around this time of year. We all like to see a list of the things that happened last year. They bring perspective to our year. We like to make a list of things we will do next year. They give us a feeling of hope. Lists are easy and convenient. The problem is that most lists of this sort don't really help us grow very much. Here's a practical and useful list from John Piper's blog today:

How do you keep your prayers from sinking into mindless ruts of repetition?

One way is to make a list of what they prayed for in the New Testament, and pray that.

That’s what I did for myself. I keep the list at my prayer bench and review it periodically and sometimes pray right through it.

You might want to print it out and do the same.

They called on God to exalt his name in the world.

Pray then like this: Our Father who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name (Matthew 6:9).

They called on God to extend his kingdom in the world.

Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, On earth as it is in heaven (Matthew 6:10 ).

They called on God that the gospel would run and triumph.

Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may speed on and triumph, as it did among you (2 Thessalonians 3:1).

They called on God for the fullness of the Holy Spirit.

If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him! (Luke 11:13; cf. Ephesians 3:19).

They called on God to vindicate his people in their cause.

And will not God vindicate his elect, who cry to him day and night? Will he delay long over them? (Luke 18:7).

They called on God to save unbelievers.

Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for them is that they may be saved (Romans 10:1).

They called on God to direct the use of the sword.

"Take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, praying through all prayer and supplication on every occasion . . ." (Ephesians 6:17-18)

They called on God for boldness in proclamation.

Pray at all times in the Spirit . . . and also for me, that utterance may be given me in opening my mouth boldly to proclaim the mystery of the gospel (Ephesians 6:18-19)

And now, Lord, look upon their threats, and grant to thy servants to speak thy word with all boldness (Acts 4:29).

They called on God for signs and wonders.

And now Lord . . . grant your servants to speak thy word with boldness . . . while you stretch out your hand to heal, and signs and wonders are performed through the name of thy holy servant Jesus (Acts 4:30).

Elijah was a man of like nature with ourselves and he prayed fervently that it might not rain, and for three years and six months it did not rain on the earth. Then he prayed again and the heaven gave rain, and the earth brought forth its fruit (James 5:17 -18).

They called on God for the healing of wounded comrades.

Let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord, and the prayer of faith will save the sick man and the Lord will raise him up (James 5:14-15).

They called on God for the healing of unbelievers.

It happened that the father of Publius lay sick with fever and dysentery; and Paul visited him and prayed, and putting his hands on him healed him (Acts 28:8).

They called on God for the casting out of demons.

And he said to them, "This kind cannot be driven out by anything but prayer" (Mark 9:29)

They called on God for miraculous deliverances.

So Peter was kept in prison; but earnest prayer for him was made to God by the church . . . When he realized [he had been freed], he went to the house of Mary, the mother of John whose other name was Mark, where many were gathered together and were praying (Acts 12:5,12).

But about midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them, and suddenly there was a great earthquake (Acts 16:25-26).

They called on God for the raising of the dead.

But Peter put them all outside and knelt down and prayed; then turning to the body he said, "Tabitha, rise." And she opened her eyes, and when she saw Peter she sat up (Acts 9:40).

They called on God to supply his troops with necessities.

Give us this day our daily bread (Matthew 6:11).

They called on God for strategic wisdom.

If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives to all men generously and without reproaching, and it will be given him (James 1:5).

They called on God to establish leadership in the outposts.

And when they had appointed elders for them in every church, with prayer and fasting they committed them to the Lord in whom they believed (Acts 14:23).

They called on God to send out reinforcements.

Pray therefore the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest (Matthew 9:38).

While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, "Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them." Then after fasting and praying they laid their hands on them and sent them off (Acts 13:2-3).

They called on God for the success of other missionaries.

I appeal to you, brethren, by our Lord Jesus Christ and by the love of the Spirit, to strive together with me in your prayers to God on my behalf, that I may be delivered from the unbelievers in Judea, and that my service for Jerusalem may be acceptable to the saints, (Romans 15:30-31).

They called on God for unity and harmony in the ranks.

I do not pray for these only, but also for those who believe in me through their word, that they may all be one; even as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that thou hast sent me (John 17:20-21).

They called on God for the encouragement of togetherness.

[We are] praying earnestly night and day that we may see you face to face and supply what is lacking in your faith? (1 Thessalonians 3:10).

They called on God for a mind of discernment.

And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more in with knowledge and all discernment, so that you may approve what is excellent, and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ (Philippians 1:9-10).

They called on God for a knowledge of his will.

And so, from the day we heard of it, we have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding (Colossians 1:9).

They called on God to know him better.

[We have not ceased to pray for you to be] increasing in the knowledge of God (Colossians 1:10 ; cf. Ephesians 1:17 ).

They called on God for power to comprehend the love of Christ.

I bow my knees before the Father . . . that you may have power to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge (Ephesians 3:14,18).

They called on God for a deeper sense of assured hope.

I do not cease to give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers . . . that you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints (Ephesians 1:16,18).

They called on God for strength and endurance.

[We have not ceased to pray for you to be] strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy (Colossians 1:11 ; cf. Ephesians 3:16).

They called on God for deeper sense of his power within them.

I do not cease to give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers . . . that you may know . . . what is the immeasurable greatness of his power toward us who believe (Ephesians 1:16, 19).

They called on God that their faith not be destroyed.

I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail; and when you have turned again, strengthen your brethren (Luke 22:32).

Watch at all times, praying that you may have strength to escape all these things that will take place, and to stand before the Son of man (Luke 21:36).

They called on God for greater faith.

Immediately the father of the child cried out and said, "I believe; help my unbelief!" (Mark 9:24 ; cf. Ephesians 3:17).

They called on God that they might not fall into temptation.

Lead us not into temptation (Matthew 6:13).

Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation; the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak (Matthew 26:41).

They called on God that he would complete their resolves.

To this end we always pray for you, that our God may make you worthy of his call, and may fulfil every good resolve and work of faith by his power (2 Thessalonians 1:11).

They called on God that they would do good works.

[We have not ceased to pray for you that you] lead a life worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him, bearing fruit in every good work (Colossians 1:10).

They called on God or forgiveness for their sins.

Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors (Matthew 6:12).

They called on God for protection from the evil one.

Deliver us from evil (Matthew 6:13).

News From Israel

The first news i read about the conflict in Israel had the headline "Israel Bombs Gaza" as its lead in. It wasn't until much later in the story that it was revealed that Hamas had attacked Israel first and the bombing was a response in self-defense. Even today, the headlines read things like "Israel amasses troop along Gaza border" or "Israeli attack on Gaza continue" or "Israeli attacks leave 270 dead in Gaza".

When Kelly and I were in Israel a few years ago, one of the primary concerns was the way the media would slant the news about Israel to make them appear to be the aggressors every time they were attacked. Knowing that most people get their news by reading headlines or listening to sound bites and little more, most editors go for the sensational but inaccurate blurb.

Yet, none of this should be a surprise. Scriptures tells us over and over again that Israel will never be treated fairly by the nations and that, ultimately, they will turn against her. (Micah 4:11, Micah 5:1 are just a few examples)

Here's some first hand news from a Christian brother who lives in Jerusalem.


Four improved Grad rockets struck Beersheva this morning; one exploded in an empty classroom. Beersheva has some 250,000 citizens who are now in harms way. It is some 40 km from Gaza and who knows what the ranges of Hamas' other rockets are. Yesterday over 50 rockets hit Israel from Gaza and Israel called up more reservists. They now total 9,200. Troops and tanks are gathered on the Gazan border and all of Israel is in a wait and see attitude as to what the next few days will bring. There is a sense here that even though there have been many anti-Israel protests all over the world, many countries, including Arab nations, would welcome the fall of Hamas. The news is difficult to interpret and the Middle East has always been a place of intrigue but the expected world wide outrage against Israel has not developed as thought.

It is hard to watch the pictures of the damage that the Israeli forces have inflicted on Gaza. Was is never pretty or clean, even when it is in self defense. But when I watch I remember that Hamas has vowed all along that its goal is the destruction of Israel and they are just an Iranian proxy at that. If there had been no strikes on Gaza, the rockets would still be coming in to Israel. This needs to end.

I find myself praying for the innocent Gazan people who have been forced into this position by a regime that has no concern for building up the Gazan economy or raising up a generation of children in peace and relative prosperity. They are pawns in a game and have no real way out except to believe that Israel is their enemy instead of the very people who govern and lead them. Gaza used to produce much produce and flowers and the like, now it just produces hatred and violence.

Thanks for your prayers for us here in the land. We are safe here in Jerusalem for the present but please continue to pray.

Blessings from Jerusalem,

Myer Dennis

Read The Bible In A Year

Here's an interesting post from the Logos Blog. It includes a link to some handy software that can help guide you through your Bible reading. I like this sort of plan with one caveat; the goal must be to get closer to God and not to "get through" the Bible.

Reading the Bible in 2009
While I don’t typically write out a list of new years resolutions, I do usually take some time around the new year to think about things I would put on a list if I were to write one. On my mental list I usually include things like:

Be a better husband and father
Sleep less (I love sleep)
Increase financial giving
Go to the gym
Pray more
And, of course,
read the Bible in a year
I’ll admit, many new years have come and gone with that last item going undone. Like many of you, I start off the new year strong. I have my Bible reading plan all laid out and ready to go. Then, somewhere in the year, something goes wrong and my plan falls to the side.

This year, I’m going to try something new and use
Global Bible Reader. This free download from Logos is a powerful desktop application that provides community and accountability in a Bible reading plan.

Once you install Global Bible Reader you sign in with your free user account,
you can register here, and choose from one of the six reading plan. After you chose a plan (or multiple plans) Global Bible Reader will download six days worth of reading (so you can even read when you’re not online). After you finish the reading for a day, click the Done Reading button and Global Bible Reader will mark the day as completed. In order to make sure you don’t fall behind, you can set up Global Bible Reader to give you a daily reminder to read the day's text.

More than just reading yourself, Global Bible Reader plugs you into a community of people who are on the same reading plan as you. A globe in the application spins around showing you where all the other readers are located around the world. Not only that, Global Bible Reader allows you to post comments. You can use this feature to leave comments about the day’s readings or to encourage your fellow readers. Also, since you’re your Global Bible Reader is linked in to your user account, you can update your profile picture and location and they will be imported into Global Bible Reader.

One of the only limitation to Global Bible reader, until now, was that it was tied to the computer where you install it. That problem was remedied today as we have now integrated Global Bible Reader into! That means you can now keep up to date with your reading even when you are away from your main computer. Simply go to, sign in, and click the Reading Plan. You’ll see links to the day’s readings and a button to click once you’re done reading. Since Global Bible Reader and are connected, clicking Done Reading in either location will mark the section read in the other.

Join me this year and read through the Bible with Global Bible Reader and Having a community and accountability might be just the thing I (we) need to stick with it this year!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Thoughts On The Coming Year....

I got this from a close friend who is well versed in economics, Jeff Haymond. It strikes at the heart of the looming economic crisis and what the Body of Christ should see in it.

I wanted to share some quick thoughts on where I think we're collectively going, and ask you to pray about this. Use the answer to that prayer as you see fit.

I don't claim to have any revelation from God, but the following idea came to me over the last few months, and our family is currently praying about what it means to us.

Many of you know I am not optimistic about where our country and the world is going. the election really only accentuated where I felt we were going. I believe the fundamental economic mistakes that got us into this mess are only being repeated to somehow get us out. While I won't bore you w/my specific thoughts, the conclusion is we're likely headed further down. When the Japanese tried the same stupidity after their bubble burst in 1989, the subsequent decade is now called "the lost decade" as all their efforts availed them naught, only brought their govt deeper in debt.

But God is on his throne, and is not asleep nor away on an errand. No, his sovereign control is completely behind this for whatever purpose he has planned. While I believe this will get worse, I see tremendous opportunity for the Church to shine. We all know that people will often only turn to God when there is no where else to turn. I believe the coming year will show the fallacy of looking to government to deliver us, and many will see that their "messiah" will fail to deliver them...

I conclude that this will be a year of tremendous opportunity for harvest. In fact, our family is praying about whether this is to be a year of harvest, and what that means to us. I am thinking it means a systematic approach of appealing to God for salvation for our family/friends. While we've been active before in this regard, if God is planning a harvest, I don't want our friends/family members to be left behind. There are seasons for everything, and many of us have sown for years. This very well could be the season we've been waiting for.

Appreciate any thoughts you have. Maybe I really only have a case of indigestion....

But I don't think so...

Monday, December 29, 2008

Back From Vermont!

Some random thoughts from our trip up to see our daughter (Ruth), her husband (Todd) and our grand daughter (Sammi, the most intelligent 14 month old on the planet....and cutest too!);

  • I've had an opportunity to reconsider my position on snow.................and I still hate it. Yet, in all fairness, I have listed the pros and cons in order to arrive at an objective conclusion. My list forthwith:


  1. It's cold

  2. It's slippery

  3. It's cold

  4. It blocks roads, driveways and doorways

  5. It's cold

  6. It turns dirty and ugly after about 15 minutes of laying around

  7. It causes people to drive like crazy people, either they move along at 3 MPH or act like they're driving a snowmobile (an oxymoron all on its own)

  8. It makes people dress up like the Michelin Man

  9. It's cold

  10. It tracks into you house...then melts all over the floor!

  11. Things freeze if left in toes and fingers

  12. Did I mention it was cold?


  1. *Crickets chirping*

  2. There is no #2

So there we have it. Lots of pros! A scientific observation providing irrefutable proof that snow is evil and a bane upon mankind.

  • We just spent 3 wonderful days with Sammi and didn't take a single photograph of her! W'sup with that?

  • Sammi is walking and talking.....well, OK.....she's walking, although I'm pretty sure "Brap! Dat! Bphtttttt!" means "I love Grandpa!"

  • Vermont is filled with people from.....well....from Vermont! The only normal people are my family, the people they go to church with and a couple that just moved there from the South. Everyone else is waiting for the mother ship to return with new supplies of sandals, socks and tie dye. The mother ship looks suspiciously like a Subaru.
  • Whenever we leave town, we miss our church family and can't wait to get home.

We really did have a great time. Ruth and Todd are wonderful parents and are doing a great job with Sammi. Ruth made a fantastic holiday dinner last night; turkey with all the trimmings. Todd and I helped out by closely monitoring "The 101 Top SNL Skits" while the ladies monitored the turkey. Hey! This is important stuff! Wayne's World was #1. (WHAT ABOUT THE BEES?).

We opened gifts and shared memories. Ruth gave me a card that will be on my desk for a long time. On the front it had a picture of a mans feet and on them stood the feet of a little girl, as if they might be dancing together. Inside, Ruth wrote about the time, when she was 11, that I took her to a Father/Daughter dance. I wore a tux and she wore a brand new dress. We danced to a guy playing a CD player, ate snacks, had our picture taken, I held the door for her and escorted her in and out. I remember the evening vividly. I had a great time but I was never really sure she did. In this card, 12 years later, she wrote, "Being with my Daddy, I felt so pretty. I thought, Gosh! If I could only ever be with one man, I want him to be like and love me like my Dad."

I can't think of a more beautiful or meaningful gift I could have received.

It's such a blessing to see her grown up into a beautiful mother and godly woman. It's such a comfort to see her with a godly man. It's such a wonderful gift of grace to see how God has made something so beautiful out of our mistakes and shortcomings as parents, proof positive that it is only by His hand that anything happens at all. All of His promises are good because He is faithful!

"I Think My Wife's A Calvinist"

I don't know who this guy is but this is funny:

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas is Over The New Year is Coming

It is always sad when Christmas is over but it is also a relief. This year was crazy hectic but still good.

Our gifts were full of eco-friendly offerings including hand made jewelry, cards, and other presents along with organic cotton t-shirts, and of course my daughter received her Maggie's Organics sock monkey. My little guy is enjoying his Lincoln Logs.

We had some unique items that were previously owned, heirloom and very vintage cool. Treasure hunting for fabulous finds is great. My mom gave my oldest a bank that is a replica of a 1908 car. She's had it for over 34 years and it was still in the box. He loves it. He's a major car guy. I just hope he treasures the bank.

I received two beautiful jewelry sets that my mother made, absolutely beautiful. I also received a faucet mounted water filter that I have been wanting. It's one that has the flavor cartridge so I can add a dash of flavor to my water if I want.

My husband and I made a beautiful wine bottle lamp for my mom. We filled it with red LED lights and decorated it with red grapes and gold sparkle leaves and berries. I'll post a photo soon.

We tried to be more eco-friendly this year. I felt bad that I didn't buy as much as I have in the past but really I don't think anyone noticed. All in all it was a great Christmas, but I am sooo it is over. I am looking forward to ringing in the new year.


The second day of Christmas.... Hibernating at home while still receiving some more visits by family members. Later in the evening...

The Kings ready to groove another dining table!! This time a family gathering at my Uncle Fred's house at Stutong Avenue. How nice to find my cousins, aunties, uncles and acquaintance there! Don't talk about the food, I love them all!!

We have BBQ fishes, chicken wings and lambs. Salads, chips, spaghetti and Macaroni. What else? Curried prawn, salty cracker with cheese dips, oh my oh my! of course, Beers!!!!!

Gabby with her 'aunties' - Sandi and Bajik. My digital camera's batteries went flat before I managed to snap my other nieces' and nephew's pictures - Sayra Mae, Puteri Syorfina, Puteri Syorhana and Megat Ashraff, aunty Mang felt so sorry.....

This is the last picture where everyone looked sober, polite and having a jolly good time. Half and hour later? Some of them were on Poker's table, in front of TV watching football game, the kids playing inside while the Loud Speakers - ehmm ehmm that is us... laughing and gossiping like crazy !!

Yes, so glad to catch up with everyone because we're very very very closed with each other and thanks to my family members who are always being there thru good and bad times.

I love you guys!

From the bottom of my heart.

Thursday, December 25, 2008


"Silver Bells"

City sidewalks, busy sidewalks
Dressed in holiday style
In the air there's a feeling like Christmas
Children laughing, people passing
Meeting smile after smile
And on every street corner you hear

Silver bells, silver bells
It's Christmas time in the city
Ring-a-ling, hear them ring
Soon it will be Christmas day

Strings of street lights
Even stop lights
Blink a bright red and green
As the shoppers rush home with their treasures
Hear the snow crunch
See the kids bunch
This is Santa's big scene
And above all the bustle you hear

Silver bells, silver bells
It's Christmas time in the city
Ring-a-ling, hear them ring
Soon it will be Christmas day


Now, I'm so glad that I finally got my time to update my blog. Not that I'm so packed with guests but yes, my man who is also my personal driver is busy with his 'thing'. Drop the reason down, I just wanna share what I did on Christmas and the Boxing Day.

Christmas morning was terrified by Gabriella's screaming. Oh, nothing happened actually because she was so excited opening her gifts! Yeah, mommy and daddy got her a water bottle from Hewlett Packard and a Music Box. Yes, she has been asking me for so many times that she wants a music box so we've got her one.

Candid photos of us... My precious one.

Forgive me for not sharing with you guys the specialties for Christmas. I was so busy that I forgot, totally completely forgot that I made MEE JAWA, yess... Mee Jawa sama Air Bandung, tinggal Soto Madura nya aja nggak ada neng...hahhhhhhah... (Mee Jawa and Bandung drinks, only that I don't have Soto Madura, sis) But, I did capture some cookies that I ordered through my colleague. Nice! Oh we also have some cakes, very sweet cakes. Thanks to Gabby who helped Mama with the plates and glasses.

Christmas is incomplete without visiting my sweetheart Ashlyn Cassandra or we call her 'Aline'. Doesn't she look like me day by day? My mom says the same too!

Well, our family would like to wish everyone a very happy and jolly celebration. Thanks to the visitors who made their time to try my Mee Jawa and catching up.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

O Holy Night - Josh Groban/The Nativity Story

A beautiful video with an awesome vocal. Josh Groban sings over clips from "The Nativity Story". Oh, what that night must have been like! The clip0 shows it through the eyes of Mary and Joseph, in wonder and awe over the attention thier new baby is attracting. It's a moving depiction of a small group of people who witness the miracle of all miracles unfold before their very eyes:

Merry Christmas

Last night we had our Christmas Eve Service. This is always a high point in our year and a lot of preparation goes into it. The ladies took great care to decorate the church beautifully. The decorations always bring a warm and cozy glow to our 100 year old building. It creaks and leaks at times but it sure is beautiful:

Pastor Bob worked hard to plan the order of service and a lot of people spent a lot of time getting the church, the music and all the little things that go into the service ready for Christmas Eve.

At 6:00, the church filled up. We were blessed and privileged to have our brothers and sisters from Hope Christian Fellowship join us and a large number of folks from the community as well. We made good use of the overfloww room set up in Fellowship Hall by Mike Gross. The worship team did a wonderful job leading us in Christmas Carols. Then Ron Scruggs, whom God healed from a serious throat condition just in time, delivered a powerful and poignant Christmas message. What an amazing blessing to see the leaders of our church able to minister the Word so effectively! Ron's message ended with a new and original song written just for the evening by himself and John Boswell. Kelly sang the song and it was incredible! Scott, the Pastor from Hope closed the service with with a gospel invitation and prayer.

Kelly and I are leaving for Vermont this morning to see Ruth, Todd and.....SAMMI!!!! We're looking forward to spending 4 or 5 days with them even though they live in Vermont and are rumored to have.....wait for it.......SNOW!

Before we leave, I wanted to share with you how blessed and privileged we are to be able to share our lives with you and to have the honor of sharing your lives as well. God has opened the doors and windows of heaven this year and poured out His blessings on our church and our church families. We have been overwhelmed by your love, support and encouragement and it's hard to express how much all that means to us and how deeply appreciated each of you are.

We're so thankful for our elders and the job they do in leadng us, for the Deacons and the hard work they put into the facility and the benevolence ministry, for the ministry Heads and Directors and the committment to the flock they exhibit and for all those beautiful folks who so generously devote their time, talent and treasure to making things happen at WBF. We're even more thankful for all the wonderful folks God has brought through the doors of WBF and into our lives. It is truly a humbling honor to be able to be a part of what God is doing among us.

Last night was a magical, supernatural, miraculous coda to an amazing year at WBF. Merry Christmas to all and may God bless each of you abundantly.

I'll be sharing some thoughts on the coming year sometime next week. It's going to be an exciting one!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Gabby, Easter and Mr. Santa!

Thanks for all your concern comments on my previous angry entry. I was angry with my FIL actually not my hubby who can't be there spending his time with Gabby and I. I miss my hubby a lot now.... So my MIL and SIL took us to do Christmas shopping. It was less fun if compared to our tradition, I mean shopping with hubby but I was satisfied with bunch of cash he put inside my purse so holla bitches! Lets rock the malls!!!! *LOL*

Some pictures before my year end's holidays.

Attended an internal course conducted by the Counselling Section on 'Knowing Yourself'. Hehehe, as if we don't know about ourself, just joking. The course was not bad at all eventho' they were only about 31 participations. I guessed everyone is in holiday mood already and already taken their annual leave.

Oh yes, we had Christmas Carollers came to our house too!! Thanks a bunch guys!!

Since our house was the last visited house, so we prepared food for the hungry carollers!!

Ho, ho, ho, Merry Christmas everyone! I'm so in the mood now...... finally.


Karl was one of those Christian brothers that moved and lived somewhere along the margins of our lives. He was a nice enough guy but never seemed to have too much to say. A slightly quirky personality and a lot of talent as a photographer seemed to conspire to consistently place him as an observer far more frequently than a participant. Perhaps because of his desire to stand on the sidelines and capture the moments of our lives and the flavor of our town, Karl was not always appreciated for who he was and what he had to offer.

Like a lot of folks who don't always fit our preconceptions as to how a Christian should comport himself, Karl's experiences at church were not always pleasant. He told me once that he couldn't find a church where he felt 'comfortable'. It was our privilege to be able to worship with Karl for a short time earlier this year. It's humbling now to look back and remember that Karl said he enjoyed attending church with us. He enjoyed it but I don't know if we ever made him feel comfortable. I don't know if we were ever able to show him how much we appreciated having him with us.

Karl went home to be with the Lord late last week. After an astonishingly brief battle with a previously undetected brain tumor, early last week, Karl slipped into a coma and then into the presence of our Father. The family is stunned and reeling at their loss and need our prayers and the soothing presence of the Holy Spirit desperately.

Kelly and I were having dinner at Chick-Fil-A last week when we saw Karl sitting at one of the table in the dining room with his wife, Sandy. Karl saw us, then did something I don't think I've ever seen him do. With a huge smile on his face, he looked up and waved enthusiastically. "Hi, folks! Good to see you!" Knowing the Doctors had provided little hope for a recovery, we exchanged pleasantries and asked how he was doing. In a most gracious and sincere way, Karl said, "OK." Afterwards, he come over to our table and said, "I just want to tell you how much your prayers mean to me. You know I've had a difficult time recently and your thoughts and prayers have been an encouragement and a blessing to me and my family. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. "

That was the last time we spoke to Karl. I figure it was the Holy Spirit rising up in Karl to show us that the things that separate us are far fewer and less significant than the thing that binds us together, the presence of God Himself in our lives. We have that in common with our brother, Karl. Someday, we'll stand next to him before the throne of our Father. I can hardly wait to see Karl there. I'm sure he will have that same broad, warm smile on his face only this time, it will last for all eternity.


Would like to share something that I received via email today. Thanks to Jar Jar! *hugs.

The decorated Christmas tree can be traced back to the ancient Romans who during their winter festival decorated trees with small pieces of metal during Saturnalia, a winter festival in honor of Saturnus, the god of agriculture.

An evergreen, the Paradise tree, was decorated with apples as a symbol of the feast of Adam and Eve held on December 24th during the middle ages.

Christmas trees were sold in Alsace in 1531. Alsace was at that time a part of Germany. Today it is part of France. The trees were sold at local markets and set up in homes undecorated.

In the Ammerschweier in Alsace there was an ordinance that stated no person "shall have for Christmas more than one bush of more than eight shoe lengths."

Sixteenth century folklore credited Martin Luther as being the first to decorate an indoor tree. After a walk through a forest of evergreens with shining stars overhead, Luther tried to describe the experience to his family and showed them by bringing a tree into their home and decorating it with candles. Some historians state that the first evidence of a lighted tree appeared more than a century after Martin Luther's death in 1546.

The oldest record of a decorated Christmas tree came from a 1605 diary found in Strasburg, France (Germany in 1605). The tree was decorated with paper roses, apples and candies.

In Austria & Germany during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the tops of evergreens were cut and hung upside down in a living room corner. They were decorated with apples, nuts and strips of red paper.

The first record of Christmas trees in America was for children in the German Moravian Church's settlement in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, Christmas 1747. Actual trees were not decorated, but wooden pyramids covered with evergreen branches were decorated with candles.

The custom of the Christmas tree was introduced in the United States during the War of Independence by Hessian troops. An early account tells of a Christmas tree set up by American soldiers at Fort Dearborn, Illinois, the site of Chicago, in 1804. Most other early accounts in the United States were among the German settlers in eastern Pennsylvania.

In 1834, Queen Victoria's husband, Prince Albert, was credited with bringing the first Christmas tree to Windsor Castle for the Royal Family. Some historians state that in actuality Queen Charlotte, Victoria's grandmother, recalled that a Christmas tree was in the Queen's lodge at Windsor on Christmas Day in 1800.

Charles Minnegrode introduced the custom of decorating trees in Williamsburg, Virginia in 1842.

By 1850, the Christmas tree had become fashionable in the eastern states. Until this time, it had been considered a quaint foreign custom.

Mark Carr brought trees from the Catskills to the streets of New York in 1851, and opened the first retail Christmas tree lot in the United States.

Franklin Pierce was the first president to introduce the Christmas tree to the White House in 1856 for a group of Washington Sunday School children. The first national Christmas Tree was lighted in the year 1923 on the White House lawn by President Calvin Coolidge.


Now this is the small tree in my office room; thanks to Cay for this picture! I totally forgot to take the picture.

And this is the one at home!! We have been keeping this tree since 2006.

Underneath the Christmas Tree.... all packed gifts for the household. I have labeled them with stickers!

Ok, gotta go now, I still have many works to do. Next, I'm going to prepare the Kuah for my Mee Jawa and arranging the cookies bottles. Gabby helped me a lot today! Syiiook weiii my anak dara already helping me... hihihhi...

Anyway, Merry Christmas everyone!!!

Love and hugs from Coki & Family.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

I Hate Snow!

I got this from Pastor Bob today:

The Doctrine of Total Deprivity

We have a brand new Wegmans in our neighborhood. For the uninitiated and unwashed, Wegmans is the Disneyland of supermarkets featuring a massive prepared foods court with fine dining and a Head Chef who runs things as well as the traditional items you would expect in a food store (fresh Ostrich steak or Emu eggs, anyone?). There are, literally hundreds of little Wegmans elves scurrying about under indirect lighting stocking shelves, making food and performing great feats of gustagotory magic. The whole place is about the size of a football field and is quite lavish as well.

For those of you who know me, it should go without saying that I have become hopelessly, helplessly obsessed with dining there (the Crabcakes are to die for!) .

It is in light of this new consuming passion that Kelly has formulated a new doctrinal statement herewith:

Well, it had to happen...John and I have delved into the DEEP THEOLOGICAL DISCUSSION OF ...


Yes, you read correctly...the total deprivity of man.

Just before heading to bed last night, John exclaimed - "We haven't gone to Wegman's today!" Whereupon I theorized that man is totally deprived without Wegman's. At least the man I live with...

So without further ado, I give you the 4 points in the doctrine of total deprivity:

1. Apart from Wegman's there is no joy.

2. In his total rebellion (not going to Wegman's), everything man does is sin. (What is not of Wegman's, is sin.)

3. woMan's inability to submit to her husband and go to Wegman's and do good is total...totally inevitable. "You want to go there again?? We were just there for lunch!"

4. Our rebellion is totally deserving of eternal punishment..."Dang, now I have to cook! I should have gone to Wegman's!"

Offered with joy during this season of wonderful joy! And offered with tongue in cheek - I admire greatly Dr. John Piper! (and John Kuvakas too!) ...and anticipating tongue in soup - we'll probably go there for dinner if John has his way.

Blessings all,

Monday, December 22, 2008

¡¡¡¡¡Feliz Navidad!!!!

Bueno espero q esta no sea la ultima entrada del año pero si asi es, entonces Prospero Año Nuevo 2009 tambien.

Muy bien ahora dicho esto quisiera primero q nada desearles a todos los q siguen este blog, a los q de vez en cuando visitean el blog y a aquellos q vienen a dar aqui por alguna liga o por error de dedo; UNA MUY FELIZ NAVIDAD q se la pasen chido con sus familiares y seres queridos.

Esperando q tengan una Feliz Navidad, quisiera agradecer en especial a dos personas en esta comunidad q casi siempre se dan una vuelta por aqui y comentan en este q es su blog de confianza. Tambien espero q este proyecto q yo inicie a mediados de septiembre se mantenga y crezca en este año q viene.

Muy bien y ahora despues de tanto choro, imagenes:

"Feliz Navidad A Los Caballeros"
"Feliz Navidad a las Damas"
"Feliz Navidad a los niños viejos"
"Feliz Navidad A Los Comiqueros"
"Feliz navidad a los niños nuevos"
"Recordarles q la navidad es para estar juntos con la familia"
La imagen tierna q no puede faltar

Agradecimientos especiales a:

Daniel y Felipe.

Sin mas por el momonto Feliz Navidad.

Sunday, December 21, 2008


Just ignore this entry.

I needed to burst it out before it's eating me back.

I'm panic. It's 22nd December, I haven't completed my Christmas shopping for so many fucking lame reasons!

- hubby is busy working till weekend..... yes, work is more important than family!!
- no transportation
- when he's FREE, the shops are already closed.

Promised last weekend to go shopping later after office hours. He cancelled it again, because that old damn turtle wants to go for his nephew's housewarming. Bodoh... it's body warming actually where all the stupid Ibans will gather to have alcohols and bragging about their possessions.

.... even has to sacrifice the uncompleted Christmas preparation at own house, because what he really needs is a driver to drive him so he can intoxicate himself, so he can escape from the road blocked should there is a roadblocked tonight!!

Come on lahhhh.. we know ur trick already!!

And you know what??? I hope that, I wish that Police will get you jailed for D.U.I!!! That's my Christmas wish for this year....

and I'm burning myself in flame of fury!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't posses any respect now..... why should I care then?????

Nobody cares about me!!!! Always ruining my plan, always!...

Choy lah!!!! Choy!!! Choy!!! Choy!!! Choy!!! Choy!!!

An Atheist on Evangelism

This is Penn Jillette, half of the magic/comedy team of Penn & Teller. Penn is a self-professed atheist. His unique and revealing testimony of a fan who shared his faith with Penn is revealing and profound:

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Fred Thompson on the Economy

Thompson is a movei actor turned politician. Mnay fo you may rememebr his early run for presidential candidacy. This video is a humorous toungue in cheek analysis of our current economic situation:

Friday, December 19, 2008


Oh, I'm tagged again! (^^,)

  • List these rules on your blog.
  • Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog.
  • Tell 7 unspectacular quirks on yours.
  • Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
  • Link the person who tagged you.
  • Leave a comment for each blogger.

So, Number 1: done!

Number 2: 7 facts
a) She Eats Big
b) Her size is as big as 3XL
c) She is Bubbly
d) Also a Workaholic
e) Makeup Freak, yes she is...
f) Oh ya, her shoes size is 10 or 40/41 -
not an easy job to find beautiful shoes, OK??
g) She Hates parking so Faraway..

Number 3: 7 quirks
a) Can't live a day without Kolok Mee with lots of Char Sio Bak!
b) Always believe in her sweet dreams and nightmares - especially when Deja Vu always seems so really happening anyhow.
c) An Indonesian freak! She finds Indonesia is fascinating. - ini ngomong yg bener nich..!
d) She feels drowning in big crowd - especially when the mall is fully packed with shoppers!
e) Loves to garnish every food with chilli powder - especially fried chikin!
f) Can fall asleep easily, anywhere she is possible to do so.
g) Hates when people looking at her with a quirky look!

Number 4: I tag
a) Cat Cat
- u must obey my command girl!
b) Cath Nelson
- Cikgu, school holidays doesn't mean that u're free, do the tag!
c) Cay
- mun sik polah kakak marah tauk sik? Haha!
d) Chris - Jadi cikgu mesti rajin!

e) Cuthess -
It's mandatory for you to response to this tag!
f) Foo - Can't escape, this is a homework for u!
g) Yen - Moshi² Just Do It. Arigato Gozaimas, Gambatte!!!

Number 5:
I was genuinely Tagged by Nurulle

Psalm 22 by Ryan Ferguson at WorhsipGod 2008

this is Ryan Ferguson, reciting Psalm 22 at the WorshipGod 2008 conference in Gaithersburg last September. Ryan is a talented performer but also a passionate advocate of Scripture memorization. his recitation brings a whole new dimension to the text.

WorshipGod 2009 will be next September and will feature John Piper as one of the speakers. Our church will be sending a group. Perhaps you would like to join us!

Fetal Devolopment

Whne Does life begin? Watch this family-friendly video before you try to asnwer:

Psalm 139:13 For You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother’s womb. 14 I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well. 15 My frame was not hidden from You, When I was made in secret, And skillfully wrought in the depths of the earth; 16 Your eyes have seen my unformed substance; And in Your book were all written The days that were ordained for me, When as yet there was not one of them. 17 How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How vast is the sum of them! 18 If I should count them, they would outnumber the sand. When I awake, I am still with You.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Another Accident!!!!

Last night around 9 PM, I was sitting at home and got a phone call from our son, Jason:

"Dad, can you come down to Country Chevrolet?"
"Why do you want me to come down to Country Chevrolet at 9 PM?"
"Because....I've been in a little fender bender."
*sigh* "Are you all right?"
"Why do you need me?"
"Never mind...."
"Wait.......If you need me, I'll come right down."

With visions of another totalled dancing before my eyes, I was pulling out of the driveway when Kelly pulled up. We rode into Warrenton together. I was planning how best to strangle my son while Kelly related the events of her day.

We neglected to pray.

Totally my fault. I was consumed with the logistics and financial aspects of even more car problems and ignoring my spiritual responsibility to cover my family in prayer. Nor was I doing a very good job of "being thankful in all things."

As we pulled into the parking lot at the dealership, sure enough, there was our boy standing next to his car with the front end pushed in, an obvious case of him running in to someone. The Police were there and there was a couple standing next to their Suburban, filling out a report, looking aggravated.

Jason was waving and smiling at us.......

I was trying to be "nice and calm" as I got out of the car when the man who was driving the other car turned to come toward me. As he approached, I heard him say, "It was all my fault. I backed in to your boy while we were at the stop light. " While I was absorbing this, he added, "He's been really great about this. Quite a man you've got there!"

God is so good....even when I am so unworthy.

He has been so merciful to us, covering us even when we fail to do what we know we should do. His grace is truly sufficient. What a blessing to see it rise up in our son as well.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The Twelve Days of Christmas

I received this in an email from Robin Ariola and Alecia Towne today. I haven't verified this but it's interesting nonetheless:


The Twelve Days of Christmas is one Christmas Carol that has always baffled me.

What in the world do Leaping Lords, French Hens, Swimming Swans, and especially the partridge that wonʼt come out of the pear tree have to do with Christmas? Today I found out.

From 1558 until 1829, Roman Catholics in England were not permitted to practice their faith openly. Someone during that era wrote this carol as a catechism song for young Catholics. It has two levels of meaning: the surface meaning plus a hidden meaning known only to members of their church. Each element in the carol has a code word for a religious reality which the children could remember. The partridge in a Pear Tree was Jesus Christ.

Two turtle doves were the Old and New Testaments.

Three French hens stood for faith, hope and love.
The four calling birds were the four gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

The five golden rings recalled the Torah or Law, the first five books of the Old Testament.

The six geese a-laying stood for the six days of creation.

Seven swans a-swimming represented the sevenfold gifts of the Holy Spirit; Prophesy, Serving, Teaching, Exhortation, Contribution/, /Leadership and Mercy.

The eight maids a-milking were the eight beatitudes.

Nine ladies dancing were the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self Control.

The ten lords a-leaping were the Ten Commandments.

The eleven pipers piping stood for the eleven faithful disciples.

The twelve drummers drumming symbolized the twelve points of belief in the Apostlesʼ Creed.

So there is your history for today. This knowledge was shared with me and I found it interesting and enlightening and now I know how that strange song became a Christmas Carol.


Seasons Greetings

*Baby Aline's picture.... whoaaaaa..she looks like Gabby already.. Wweeeeeeeeeeeeeee........

I followed hubby to PC Image, Wisma Saberkas to search for new notebook. It's for him actually, because we always quarrel over a PC..miaahahahahaa! My old PC had already given to my Gabby and is now connected to internet. The new PC was bought for me a year ago, as my Christmas gift. Since there is no PC for him, by right we must share, yes we should but you know-lah when I'm overjoyed with PC games, I simply ignore him, muaeekekekk.... Hehehe... nobody can beat the two Queens of the house.

After questioning few salesmen and checking some notebooks, we had to put the decision on hold first, we have to think about other priorities in budgeting too. Yes, we have only one child but we have 2 families to look after i.e. I supply my own mother personal allowance every month, we have bills amounting hundreds of Ringgit to settle, plus groceries, food, petrol, insurance, not forgetting expenses on Gabby and other expenditures. My FIL is a pensioner so you know how tough our lives are. :D :D That is why I always urge hubby that living by our own is cheaper, I mean Hubby, Gabby and I... Nah, who says that staying with in-laws is easy????

So, to cut the story short, the time was already 7:25 p.m. which means there will be no time for me to cook dinner so we went down to the ground level of Wisma Saberkas to have very light dinner. Thinking of buying sandwiches at All Joy but hubby said he wanted to eat noodles. Ok, so we went to:

Tadaaaa!!!! I guess everyone knows this. It's located next to Speedy Video store. It has nothing to brag about but what I want to highlight here is the price of their Kolok Mee. It's RM3.00 per bowl and this is only what you will get for......

My expression when the bowls arrived was, "Hahh??!!" The portion was so small. Well, to prove it to you all let me show you something. By using a pair of chopstick, I dug in and lifted the chopsticks up on the air, one go only lah geng! so sikit liao. *LOL*

What we have almost everyday for breakfast e.g. 2 bowls of Kolok Mee (RM 5.60) and a glass of Nescafe Peng/Teh Peng fo (RM 1.70 each) = Most likely we spend around RM 8-9.00 for breakfast itself.

Surprise.. surprise...

but when the noodles finished in seconds's not a surprise, not a surprise.... :p Haha!

I want to show off our skinny christmas tree. Look at it, isn't that a beauty? We bought some cheap ornaments to hang on the tree.

Nice anot? NIce horr??

Lil Santa and I. I took this two days ago. I can't wait to for my annual leave soon.. soon baby, soon.. but for the time being, let me settle the piles on my desk. *SLeepY.


More Green Crafts

So enough about depressing stuff back to the happiness of the holidays. Here are more photos of some of my green crafts. Of course mom and hubby, Robert, helped out.

I have snowmen made from scrap pieces of wood and Popsicle sticks and Christmas stockings made from fabric samples from a furniture store.

Several years ago I worked at La-Z-Boy and they would just throw out boxes of the old fabric swatches. So one time I grabbed a huge box and brought them home determined to do something with them. Since I can't sew I had my mom help and we made a bunch of Christmas stockings, bags, and I put together enough pieces to make a quilt but so far that has never been sewed together. In fact it disappeared. But I still have fabric left so we'll see what I can do. I really need to learn how to sew. But hey I saved stuff from ending up in a landfill.

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