
Sunday, May 9, 2010


Very chocolaty Mother's Day chocolate cake bought by hubby. Love it, love it! Normally, we will have a very hefty lunch, yum yum and I will do the cooking and such. This year, we had Mother's Day brunch. Very heavy one, so that's it very simple yet memorable one.

This is my mother. I call her 'Mak'. Hehe. Mak is the bestest mommy cum bestie you can find in the world. See how simple she is? How smaller in size she is? A contrast version of me. Ngiahaha. But I know, I'm funny like her, right Mak? *wink*

My mother was born 50 years ago in Lundu. She's the 3rd child of 5 siblings and has the ability to sew princessy dress, baking deliciously, making handicraft like basket, mat, fishing net etc, you just name it. What I love about her - her preseverance in doing tactical and intense job. She always reminded us in the past, if you feel like you can't do anything (job,duty etc) , just do it slowly as you will complete it eventually, eventhough it slow, it will finish, just take your time.

Mak is dancing Poco Poco at church. You go Mak!

See? From where did I inherit my artistic element that runs in my blood? Mak contributed some of it, I guess. Mak, I wanna thank you for what I am today. I know I was so naughty and I did make you cry in the past but I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I am a mother myself now, I will mould my kid just like you did to us.

On this day, I pray to God, to grant you health Mak. Since Apai gone, you're the only person that we really rely on still. We love you Mak, for what you are, for being our mother and our friend.

Happy Mother's Day!

With Love,

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