
Sunday, May 16, 2010


This pic was taken at 7:25 a.m. today from my office window. What a beautiful and bright shiny day! Trying my best to put my self-esteem as high as today's sun and let my patience brights till late afternoon.

Boss just came back from Limbang-Miri-Kapit-Sibu trip and we had gone through a very intense Monday. Yelling and chuckling taking places but it never fade our quality of work. Tomorrow he had to sit for 3 meetings but was wisely delegated to another junior officer. Same goes to Wednesday. He's leaving the office again on Thursday and Friday for a meeting in KL. Boss, when I calculate the frequency of your flying, it's as frequent as you're taking a ride on a bus. Wow. I'm impressed.

Gabby had her Bahasa Malaysia tuition today. She looked exhausted and sleepy. I'm OK with the weather today and thanks to Boss who kept me busy till the final dot at 5:00 p.m. No cooking for tonite as my nephew, Fitz is celebrating his 16th birthday tonight and everyone will be there.

Speaking of eating, it has come to my third week, cutting down my rice. I receive many compliments but still not satisfied yet. I don't wanna give up so early. Some says my face is getting smaller and so did my chest area, please don't tell me that my b**bs are sagging! Haha.

I don't want to measure - but I know that my bra is ain't that tight anymore. So do my skirts, oh yes, I worn my tight grey skirt last Sunday and it fitted me nicely. The most worrisome parts?? My arms and calves are 'melting'. I need to tone them otherwise I look like a melting Snow Man. Whenever I look at them, they look both scary and I am now starting to have that itchiness with bubbles (little bubbles).

Is that telling me that my fat is broken and I am downsizing slowly?

Dear God, please help me. +_+

With Love,

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