
Sunday, May 30, 2010


We visited Dad's grave on 31st May, as promised. We did not celebrate as Dad had just passed on 7 months ago and we thought it was better to let go any celebrations in the first year. We really miss him at this moment because he is the one who will be in charge of every single process like painting the house, interior deco and cooking.

He loved spicy food like Beef Curry, Ayam Masak Merah, Lamb Curry etc.

He would quarrel with us if we're doing our chores very slowly because everyone was so playful.

This year, his voice are no longer screaming and yelling at us, only memories remain and cherished forever.

Happy Gawai Dad, hope you're happy up there with Uncle Reynold @ El-Rey, don't drink too much, take care of yourself. We miss you so, so, so much. We love you Dad. We truly do. Oh yes, HAPPY FATHER'S DAY in advance Dad!

p/s: Oh yes Dad, Mom said to do cement works at your grave on your 1st anniversary. Hope you're gonna love our combined ideas. I promise.

With Love,

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